
We develop the ‘whole person’ and inspire every student to be a global citizen who will be able to meet the challenges of the world. In order to give young people the opportunity to interact with the community, we encourage activities within the curriculum, through school trips and through our weekly co-curricular activities.

Our Diploma students are expected to participate in at least one Service activity on a regular basis throughout their two year programme.
All students in the Middle school engage in community and service activities at some point in the school year which will develop their appreciation of the community in the school and those locally. We also encourage the students to take their own initiative in the service to their communities.

Community and Service aims to develop:

  • a sensitivity to the needs of the community and society in general
  • an awareness of the role of the individual within the community
  • a willingness and the skills to respond to the needs of others
  • an altruistic attitude which enriches the lives of students through enhanced insight into different social patterns and ways of life.

Students engage in interactive situations that will enrich them emotionally, socially, morally and culturally by involving themselves in positive action and contact with other social and cultural environments.

Community & Service involves three central elements:

  • awareness
  • involvement and service
  • reflection.

At UWC East Africa, younger students in the Secondary are involved in at least one Community and Service Day per academic year and they are encouraged to participate in other school-initiated activities. In fact, the students are usually involved in far more than one during the year. By M4 and M5 it is expected that student awareness will have developed to the level that they will be sensitive to the needs of various communities and the positive difference they can make. With guidance and support they are expected to show initiative and act on this awareness.

To support and inspire helping attitudes, Community & Service within the MYP is naturally integrated into curriculum areas, Co-curricular Activities, field trips and Outdoor Pursuits. Students will have opportunities to keep a Community & Service Journal, recording plans, records, reflections and community needs they have become aware of. They also have the opportunity to assess their C&S involvement on a rubric. The expectation for Professional Staff is to be models of positive action in the school community and beyond.

By Diploma level, students show initiative throughout the 2-year programme to demonstrate their full commitment to Community and Service. Many of the diploma Service activities are student initiated. led and run.