24-Hour Run

UWCEA has an exciting fundraising event where all the students, staff members, and parents participate. The 24-hour run is an annual team-based community event which takes place on campus. The event was established by our African sister UWC school, Waterford Kamhlaba United World College of Southern Africa, and it is now a wonderful tradition of our school.

Our previous 24-Hour Run events have been a huge success. This event aims to raise money for our Scholarship Fund, while coming together as a community and having fun. Teams can receive funds from sponsors as a one-time donation or based on the number of laps they have covered in the 24 hours.

Participating in the event

This year, community members will get to decide what team they are on. We would like to ask all of you to join a team and create your theme and outfit for the 24-hour run. Each team should have approximately 20 people so that at least one team member is always moving around the pitch, be it 3AM or 3PM! You will never see an empty ground. The teammates are free to choose how they would like to complete their laps; walk, run, skip, dance – literally anything! Team captains could be teachers, students, parents or anyone. The event takes place on Moshi campus but it is a full school event which means teams can have members from both Moshi and Arusha campuses. We already have NON-STOPPERS, STAFF, ALUMNI, TPC, ULTRAS, and A-Team, but anyone could set up a station on the pitch to hang out with friends and family all night. Be creative! For the first time, the team with the most laps will be awarded a barbecue dinner at the campus pool.

Apart from running or walking on the field, there are other-fun related activities throughout the day. This year, there will also be performances at night where you can come and showcase your talent, be it dancing, singing, or anything. As the name suggests 24 hours, you might question your sleep at night. Well, as it has been for the past two years, tents will be pitched on top pitch, and you can have your peaceful night’s sleep or stay up the whole night, the choice is yours! The team sign-up sheets are found on the board outside room 11, (near the administration office). We are looking forward to having as many teams as possible!