Arusha Campus Swimming Pool Re-opening

27 Apr 2021

UWC East Africa Arusha Campus – Announcement of Swimming Pool Opening

Dear Community,

Having reviewed our procedures and practices for the use of the Swimming Pool with the relevant personnel today, I am pleased to announce that the pool will be open for normal service from tomorrow morning.

Some minor changes have been made to our Community Use Swimming Pool Rules and these are outlined above. A large notice that displays these guidelines has been ordered and will be on display in the next few days.

We have also amended the Swimming Pool Use Schedule below which informs everyone about when the pool is available for different groups of our community. I hope this is helpful.

The temporary pool closure was not meant to inconvenience anyone. The pool is a fabulous community resource which is my responsibility to maintain, whether that be from a safety perspective, aesthetic facility or simply by organising its use so that everyone can make the most of it. The environment at the pool is as beautiful as I have ever known it, we have outstanding pool staff and its my job to ensure that that is the way it stays.

Thank you for your understanding and apologies for the disruption. Please enjoy the pool responsibly.
