UWC East Africa ‘Welcome Back to Arusha Campus’

11 Aug 2023

UWC East Africa Arusha Campus Newsletter Friday 11 August 2023

Dear Parents

A very warm welcome to all of you whether you are coming to UWC East Africa Arusha Campus for the first time or will be returning for the umpteenth time from the long holidays! Either way I hope you have all had a restful few weeks and are looking forward to the new year as much as we are.

This edition of our weekly newsletter is deliberatley short and contains our calendar as well as links to a new feature on our website which is called the ‘Arusha Community Calendar’. If you click on the months at the foot of this newsletter you will be taken to our new Community Calendar – a calendar which will be populated with all things Arusha!

A new feature on our calendar is something called an ‘Activity Free Weekend’. I feel very strongly that students, families and teachers need to be intentional about taking a break every now and then. Our action-packed school has become so busy that aspects of family life have suffered as a result. So, in an attempt to provide oases of tranquility within the maelstrom of school events, we have designated some ‘Activity Free Weekends’. I implore us all to try and keep these free for those of us who may need a break from school obligations from time to time! Let’s see how it goes.

So, enjoy your weekend and then buckle yourself in for the ride of 2023/24!

Let the rollercoaster begin!


Upcoming dates

Mon 14th August – First day of 2023/24 Academic Year

Mon 21st August – Sustainability Week (tbc)




