Arusha Campus News – 13 April 2108

13 Apr 2018

Arusha Campus Newsletter Saturday 14th April 2018

M3s from Arusha and Moshi on their IDU trip, performing at the Cultural Arts Centre, Tumaini University Makumira. Thanks to CAC for the photo.

Dear Parents

It has been another busy week: Q3 CCAs began, M3 have been out on their IDU trip (see picture above and article in next week’s newsletter), P2 camping on our field (again more details next week), M5 on-screen exams and an open day on campus.

On Tuesday we welcomed visitors and prospective students to Arusha Campus. We had a number of students and families attend, for tours and visiting lessons. Many thanks to the PTA for all their help.

Phil has been away in Gabon on a CIS accrediation visit this week, so we look forward to hearing of his experiences when he returns to school on Monday.

Wishing you all a good weekend,



This week ISM received the sad news that Paul Kiwelu, the Moshi Campus plumber, collapsed in his home on campus and lost consciousness. He was rushed to KCMC but sadly passed away. Kiwelu was a fixture around campus and had been a part of the ISM Moshi community for 40 years.  He will be sorely missed for his laugh and positive attitute with any problem.  Our thoughts are with his wife and six children.

M5 eAssessments

Every day this week, M5 students have completed a mock on-screen exam from 8 to 10 am in the IT Lab. Students still have access to all past exams from 2015, 2016 and 2017 should they wish to continue practising at home.

The final MYP on-screen examinations will take place on May 8-18: starting with I&S on May 8, Mathematics: May 10, English: May 11, Science: May 17 and Interdisciplinary: May 18.  The global context for on-screen exams remains the same as for the ePortfolios: orientation in space and time.  However, this year the interdisciplinary exam will focus on Science and English.

Students’ ePortfolios in Drama, Visual Arts, Music, Design, PHE and French are currently being sent to the IB. Teachers’ grades and comments for ePortfolios and the Personal Project are posted on ManageBac.

M5 Work Experience in May

As part of our experiential learning programme, M5 students will undertake a one-week work experience from May 21-25 after their MYP on-screen examinations. We advise students and parents to start thinking now about possible institutions and/or organizations that they would be interested in for their work experience. The choice should be based on the student’s interests and career goals. More information about work experience will be sent at the end of this quarter.



Friday 18th May

International Festival


Arusha’s Got Talent

Wizard of Oz DVDs – Ready for Collection

Wizard of Oz DVDs are available for collection at Reception.
