| UWC East Africa Arusha Campus Newsletter Monday 6th November 2023 |  | | The U19 Footballers travelled to Monduli this week to play the next round of their league. Here, man of the match Usman gathers the ball in a cloud of dust in carrying his side to victory to prove that the team does not always need the gren grass of home to perfom. | | Upcoming dates Sat 11th Nov – NTSAA Secondary Athletics at Arusha Campus Mon 13th Nov – M5 On-screen Familiarisation Exams Fri 17th-Sun 19th November – Moshi Sports Weekend Fri 1st December – School Theatre Production Sat 2nd December – School Theatre Production Fri 15th December – Final day of the quarter Mon 18th-Fri 22nd – TALISS swim training camp for ages 12+/Advanced swimmers/competition level (Contact caitrintrappe@uwcea.org if interested. | | Dear Parents |  | | A pitch with a view. When we travelled to Orkeeswa this week with the U19 teams I implored the players to savour every moment – who gets a chance to play football on a pitch on a mountain top in Maasai land with a view quite like that! Apologies for the late edition this week. Lots to read about in this edition of our newsletter, so I will be brief. The rains have arrived in Arusha this week and the invigorating showers have lifted spirits as we see the trees, flowers and birds celebrate the long awaited refreshment. Happy days! Phil | | PYP News |  | | The P3/4 class have had a challenging Home-Learning this week……to complete their home made Jigsaw Puzzles! This has taken perseverance and support from all members of the household! Jigsaw puzzles are very beneficial for student learning. https://usborne.com Very few hobbies nowadays don’t require staring at a screen or using technology. Fortunately, reading is one of them – but so is doing a jigsaw puzzle. Jigsaw puzzles have been around since the 1700s – for good reason – research shows that doing a jigsaw puzzle has lasting benefits on a child’s development, and on both a child and adult’s health and well-being. Some jigsaw fans include Stephen King, Bill Gates and even Queen Elizabeth. Here are 10 reasons why jigsaw puzzles are fantastic: 1. Fine motor development Jigsaw puzzles help to develop and refine a child’s fine motor skills. In order to play with a jigsaw puzzle, children need to pick up, pinch and hold pieces, move them around and manipulate them into the correct slots. 2. Hand and eye coordination Playing with jigsaws requires trial and error. If a piece doesn’t fit, a child must put it down and try another one. This is all fantastic practice for developing a child’s hand and eye coordination. 3. Problem solving and logical reasoning Completing a jigsaw puzzle successfully can’t be cheated so your child needs to use critical thinking, reasoning skills and problem solving – all skills which are valuable in later life. 4. Spatial awareness Clinical trials have proved that by working out how smaller pieces fit into the bigger picture children develop their skills of movement, depth and distance perception – known to neurologists as visuospatial functioning! 5. Cognitive skills Jigsaw puzzles come in a wide array of topics. Jigsaws are a great way of arousing children’s interest in a subject but also committing information to memory – known as subliminal learning or learning through play. 6. Improved memory and attention span Jigsaw puzzles are especially good at reinforcing existing connections between our brain cells and therefore improving short-term memory. One study reveals that playing jigsaw puzzles can reduce our chances of developing certain types of mental illness, memory loss and dementia later in life. It also helps children to improve their ability to focus for long hours, learning perseverance and patience along the way. 7. Self esteem “I did it!” Completing a jigsaw puzzle gives children a great sense of satisfaction and pride in themselves. It’s a great boost to self-confidence and self-esteem, which will give them confidence to take on other bigger challenges whilst keeping a positive growth mind-set. 8. Teamwork By working together as a family or collaborating with a friend over a jigsaw puzzle, a child is practising valuable life skills, such as communication, sharing, turn taking, allocating tasks in order to succeed, and lending support to their team member. 9. Meditative benefits As children concentrate on a jigsaw puzzle their minds are completely focussed. Whilst tasked with searching for colours and shapes, they’re allowing their brains to let go of any stresses and anxieties, creating calm and well-being. 10. Last, but not least – It’s FUN! Children of all ages love jigsaw puzzles. As do adults. Don’t just reserve jigsaw puzzles for rainy days, enjoy them together at any time and reap the benefits. A puzzle keeps the whole family entertained for hours on end. Browse Usborne jigsaw puzzles – there’s something for children of every age. Amanda | | M3/4 visit Cultural Heritage |  | | A big thank you to Cultural Heritage (above) for sharing their knowledge and art with the P3/4 Class. | | Art with Miss Leah |  | | Zoya, from D1 submitted an absolutely beautiful piece of art for the POESIA Art competition. The competition is in house and students who really shine get put forward to the global competition. This means competing against students all over the world. The aim was to reflect a chosen poem with a hand drawn piece of art. Zoya’s poem was – Please, Do Not Feed the Animals… By Robert Hull Please, do not feed the ostriches sandwiches Or the polar bears éclairs Do not offer the wombats cumquats Or the rattle snakes fruit cakes Remember the piranhas are not allowed bananas Or partridges sausages Never approach a stork with things on a fork Or the buzzard with a plate of custard No leopard likes anything peppered And mere cats disdain Kit-Kats Remember that grapes upset apes And meringues do the same for orang-utans And most importantly: Do NOT feed the cheetah your teacher Please admire her drawing above. Leah | | From the English A Department |  | | Last week, D1 Language and Literature students (above) finished off their studies of different non-literary collections of work, what the course refers to as Bodies of Work (BOWs). They studied visual artists Banksy, Shamsia Hassani, and Barbara Kruger to help them practice skills useful for both internal and external assessments. The unit prompted students to consider the choices artists make in order to convey global issues—connecting us all no matter where we call home or what our life experiences have entailed. In small groups, students presented their analyses to one another, sharing diverse perspectives and interpretations. Practicing public speaking might be nerve-wracking for many, but the exercise helps students develop essential skills for the oral internal assessment to be completed early in their second year of the program. The English department also wanted to take the opportunity to allow students time to collaborate and get a taste of what goes on in the different Lang & Lit classes to see that there are many different ways of approaching and reading texts. Students were well-prepared with engaging and insightful discussions, and impressed everyone with their attention to detail and connections to big, overarching ideas. We are now moving on to our next literary text, Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi. It will be exciting to see students continue to make new and bold connections between literary and non-literary texts, as well as thematic comparisons between our literary works! Jessica Holloway, Head of English | | From the Arts Department |  | | On November 29, 2023, UWEA Arusha had the privilege of hosting Mwezi Arts (pictured above), a professional theatre company from Malawi, for an enthralling solo theatre performance entitled “State of the Ape Address”. This adaptation of Franz Kafka’s “Report to the Academy” proved to be a thought-provoking masterpiece, delving into themes of survival, freedom, and assimilation—a powerful fable addressing the essence of thehuman race. Particularly for our students, this experience served as an inspirational touchpoint, opening discussions on the vital role of theatre in our society. Moreover, it offered a vivid demonstration of how to effectively stage a solo theatre piece, providing invaluable insights and practical lessons. Mwezi Arts’ presentation not only entertained but also enlightened, highlighting the relevance of the arts in our understanding of contemporary issues, as well as the power of theatre through storytelling. The following are reflections from some of our DP Theatre students. Ronald Balugiire, Teacher of DP Theatre Rosemary, D2: This performance was truly captivating, featuring a myriad of mind-blowing elements. I was particularly fascinated by the incorporation of physical theaterinto the act. The performer’s remarkable ability to transform into an ape, manipulating his body, with finesse, was nothing short of astounding. His use of delicate tiptoe movements and facial expressions to convey a wide range of emotions made this performance an absolutely worthwhile experience Viktoriia, D2: MADSOC’s “State of the Ape Address” was a drama piece that, apart from being very helpful for the Theatre students in terms of their preparation for their final assessments, initiated fruitful conversations about the nature of freedom, evolution, and knowledge. Nico, D2: A good physical performance that told a thoroughly believable and interesting story, even with only a few props and stage elements. The actor managed to implement the ideas of the director by never losing the credibility of his character. The performance also offered space for discussion and thoughts afterwards. Kayla, D1: The actor’s use of movement and vocal skills in representing Red Peter was very impressive, and it showed the great amount of effort that went towards creating the character. Additionally, the creative use of a minimalist set design to illustrate different stages of Red Peter’s journey was really immersive. Malak, D1: The performance drew attention to the harmful practices from humanity like environmental degradation through props such as plastics scattered around the stage. Sana, D1: Beyond his performance and the compelling sounds he made, the minimalist approach encouraged me to engage my imagination more fully, allowing me to envision the life of an ape before any humanization took place. Adam, D1: Taddja’s embodiment of an ape would bring Kafka to tears. Perfectly positioned props made for a seamless play. Francis D1: The actor’s performance was absolutely stellar, and his subtle movements were the highlight: the low-budget production became its strength, as I believe it got the best out of everyone, especially the actor. The production design, especially the lighting and smoke effects were effectively used, and fully engaged me throughout. | | Peer Learning |  | | Mr Jeremiah, our Mathematics teacher came across these guys who were very busy with Maths! Peer tutoring program. Students taking responsibility for their learning. Here, Alvar in D1 is helping Charlie in M3 with his Maths learning. | | Outdoor Pursuits – Reefs PADI Advanced and Rescue Divers |  | | “The students are very sharp, they are brilliant. Imagine: we covered both Emergency First Response and the PADI Rescue Diver course in 2 and a half days. This is amazing!” Those were the words of Michael Vader, PADI Scuba Diving Instructor and Owner of Afrodivers (Pemba). Michael has been delivering PADI courses with hundreds of clients, has led thousands of dives for years… He was clear about the fact that our students (pictured above) are way above average. For both courses, students were knowledgeable and caring… That is no surprise though, and is just a testament of what we are building in our OP programmes: self-managed, proactive, mature and nature-smart young people. Karibuni OP! Oli | | Counselor Corner |  | | November is here!! This week many D2 students submitted early applications, and celebrated their successful submissions. We also celebrated our final in person visit for this year. The representative from NYU Abu Dhabi provided a very informative session, and then spent time with students reviewing their application components. This expert advice was very well received, and is an important resource for students who reach out and make the most of the insights that experts from the admissions side are willing to share. We were also tremendously grateful to all of the staff members who supported the successful submissions through essay writing assistance, letter writing, and overall moral support as our students worked hard to BEAT THEIR DEADLINES!! Celebrate Submission – In DSS this week, we started taking time to recognize those who have hit “Submit” and sent their application off for review. We will continue this practice as the admissions cycle continues because just submitting an application is a major feat and deserves to be recognized. https://sites.gatech.edu/admission-blog/2023/10/30/college-admission-is-about-celebration/ Also, our D1 students were introduced to the career and college planning platform Maia Learning, which they will utilize for the duration of their IBDP journey. D1 parents and guardians will be introduced to the platform later this month (please see information below). The D2s also look forward to sharing their expertise with D1s and M4/5s on Tuesday afternoon at the Summer/Specialty program panel taking place on 7 November at 4:30PM. Utilizing the wisdom of those who have had previous experience is one of the major benefits of our global UWC community, and a tradition that we keep alive on our campus. Stay connected to virtual programming 15 November will be the last opportunity to participate in the 15 on the 15th virtual events that have been a stellar series of informational sessions (first 15 minutes) and then an hour to meet with admissions specialists from 15 small liberal arts colleges in the United States. Given the reality that 13 of the 15 are Davis UWC Scholar partner institutions, this is a phenomenal opportunity to engage with specialists who have a special interest in our graduates. Also, the first fifteen minutes of this last session will focus on applying for your US F-1 Student Visa. This is not to be missed, so see the registration link below and sign up today! Speaking of not to be missed, we want to invite all D1 parents and/or guardians to join us for a virtual session where we will introduce you to career exploration activities that are the foundation of the college search process. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us with any questions you may have about this topic. D1 Parent/Guardian meeting about Career and College Readiness Time: 7:30 PM EAT Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81354192532?pwd=WmFsOWFadkJHbUh1VCtiTm8vT1Nidz09 Our list is shorter this week, but don’t miss out if there is something that you many need to attend: UPCOMING College and University Events 4 November: 7:30-11:00 AM EAT SAT exam – Moshi campus (See uwcea.org/tests for more information. 17 November is the deadline to register for the 2 December SAT) 7 November: 4:00-5:00 PM EAT Virtual Presentation about America University of Beirut and MasterCard Foundation Scholar Program https://www.aub.edu.lb/ 7 November: 4:30-5:30 PM EAT D2 Panel for M4/5 & D1 students about Summer/Specialty programs and special projects they during the breaks 9 November: 7:30-8:30 PM EAT Wake Forest University (virtual) 15 November: 4:45-6:00 PM EAT 15 on the 15th: US Liberal Arts Colleges Presentation and mini-virtual fair. (13 of the 15 are Davis UWC Scholar Partners) November focus: SEVIS, 1-20, F-1 Student Visa and Enrollment LAST EVENT OF THIS YEAR Link to register for these events: https://www.davidson.edu/admission-and-financial-aid/visit/international-visit-programs/15-15th-liberal-arts-colleges-across-united-states 23 November: 7:30-8:30 PM EAT D1 Parents/Guardians: Introduction to Careers and College Readiness (virtual) We are coming to a slow down in the number of visits that are available and/or that we will be adding to the UWCEA Careers website calendar, but still stay tuned so that you do not miss out. Keep exploring and enjoying the journey! Cassandra Ford College and Career Counselor cassandraford@uwcea.org | | From the Residents |  | | What a busy weekend it has been for our Residential Students! Friday started strongly with about 50% of the residential students attending the Bonfire in Braeburn, despite the mud and rain. On Saturday, TEDx (see picture) was the main event of the weekend but some students also went to Kafika House to volunteer. On Saturday evening, a dozen girls gathered on Miss Holloway’s porch to watch Barbie for a nice movie and pizza evening! Sunday was definitely no more restful: in the early morning, 6 students, accompanied by Miss Cassandra and M. Hywel, went for a morning bike ride (see picture). At the same time, some of our students went to donate their blood at Maternity Africa (see picture). Finaly, about 15 students joined Dee, our D2 students, to Mitumba (see picture) to help her collect datas for one of her IA! To close this busy weekend perfectly, our weekly Cultural Night took place. Gauthier (D2) and Alexis (D1) entertained the crowd and shared interesting facts about Belgium! Coralie | | Life Skills – Men’s Well-being |  | | During their Life Skills lesson this week, the Diploma 1 students had the opportunity to attend a panel discussion featuring some male teachers; Mr. Phil, Mr. Adam, Mr. Olivier, and Mr. Ronald. The discussion focused on men’s well-being, and the panellists shared their authentic and open perspectives on how men can take care of their mental health and overall well-being. Students learned about the unique challenges that men face in maintaining their well-being, as well as the importance of breaking down the stigma around men’s health and creating a culture where men feel comfortable discussing their needs openly. The talk was inspired by the global Movember movement, which aims to raise awareness about men’s health issues and encourage men to seek help when necessary. The discussion was so engaging that it extended beyond the scheduled class time, demonstrating the students’ keen interest and enthusiasm in the subject. Several students asked thoughtful questions, particularly about how to support their male friends and family members. Delphine | | Life Skills – M2 In the Kitchen |  | | During their cooking lesson this week, the M2 students had an exciting opportunity to learn how to make delicious basil spaghetti and master essential knife skills (see image above). Building on the success of their previous lesson on collaborating in the kitchen, where they made pancakes in teams, our students eagerly started their knife skills lessons. They learned different knife cuts, including chopping, dicing, and slicing, and had the opportunity to practice these skills. After the knife skills practice, our students moved on to cooking the basil spaghetti, where they were able to put their newfound knife skills to use in preparing the ingredients. The dish turned out to be a success, and they enjoyed sharing the meal. To conclude the lesson, they had a discussion on knife safety and the importance of using high-quality knives and keeping them sharp, with an emphasis on the importance of safety and teamwork in the kitchen. Delphine | | The Rhino Tower Speaks |  | | This October we served a whopping 12,669 hot, tasty meals (see image above). The favourite dishes have been chips and pizza! Fresh on the menu is a delicious Mbaazi (pigeon pea) curry and new speciality coffees. Every day there is a huge variety of healthy salads and vegetables. We encourage students to live a healthy lifestyle and fill their plates up with a rainbow of colours. Following a recent request from the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) here is the published snack menu including prices. Thank you for all your ongoing support. Mezabine info@salehgroup.co.tz | | October |  | | | | November |  | | | | December |  | | | | January |  | | | | | |