Arusha Campus News – 14 Aug 2021

Arusha Campus Newsletter Saturday 14th August 2021

Some of our new Diploma 1 students enjoying the Arusha sunshine in orientation week.

Dear Parents

Just to prove that it’s not all sunshine and short sleeves in Tanzania, here is an image of the Bowen family making their way back from the roof of Africa earlier this summer!

Well we have hit the ground running and its difficult to believe we are one week into the new year!

Most of our boarding students have returned and we are all set for another fantasitc year. More about our OP in this newsletter.

In this newsletter, read about the superb performances of our graduating class of DP students last year. Results of their final exams came out three weeks ago and they are, frankly, outstanding. Congratulations to both students and teachers for achieving such scores.

Our Outdoor Pursuits Programme starts with a a Reefs Level 1 trip leaving on Thursday to Tanga where they will continue the incredible work of restoring the coral reef at Fish Eagle lagoon. Best of luck to those hardy swimmers.

We have a plethora of new faces in school. I dont think I can remember a time when we had so many new students join the school in all three programmes. We also have some new teachers who are also finding their feet in their new surroundings. As a child, and as an educator, I always found starting a new school the most terifying of experiences so my message to all you newcomers is to stay relaxed, remember that everyone here wants to be your friend and dont worry if you dont know what you are doing for a while!

Personally I have had one of the most enjoyable weeks of my career as I have had the pleasure of teaching P4/5 Class this week. What fun we have had – anyone want a job as Head of Campus!

Have a super weekend!


PYP News

Welcome to our new families and welcome back to everyone. We are looking forward to a great year in our school.

On Tuesday 17th August at 8.00am we will host a CCA fair for parents and students to see which CCA’s will be on offer in Q1. I will then share the CCA sign up at 6 o’clock through Sign-Up Genius. Please read the options and age groups carefully.

Parent Information Sessions
Over the next few weeks we will share information about our classes with parents. This is a time for general information about routines rather than individual conferences.

Nursery/EC1 – Thursday 26th August 11.30 – 12.00
EC1/2 – Wednesday 25th August 8:00 – 8:30
P1 – Thursday 26th August 8.00 – 8.30
P2/3 – Tuesday 24th August 8.00 – 8.30am (I can change this)
P4/5 – To be confirmed when Mr Ali returns
P6 – Friday 13th august 8.10-8.40

PYP Information Session
There will be an ‘Introduction to the PYP’ on Tuesday 31st August

Important dates
Thursday 30th September Nursery – P3 Fun Sports Day 8.00 – 10.00am
Friday 1st October – P3-6 Interhouse Sports Day 8.00 – 10.00am
Wednesday 6th October – 3 Way Conferences – Non School Day

Miss Amanda

PYP Coordinator

MYP News

We wish to welcome all members of the community to school for the 2021-2022 academic year. My name is Hamid Rezayi and I am excited to be the MYP Coordinator for my second year at UWCEA and I look forward to the year ahead. We had the MYP orientation session for new families on Friday, August 6th. If you missed that session, there will be another session for all families in two to three weeks. Look for more information in upcoming newsletters.

MYP May 2021 eAssessment Results Highlights
The M5 results are out and we wish to congratulate the candidates for their hard work and parents for their support.  The results have been communicated to the respective parents and students and the relevant documents from the IB will be dispatched to schools in mid-October. There will be an M5 information session for parents and students and the exact date will be emailed in due course.

Hamid Rezayi

MYP Coordinator

DP News

Congratulations to our Graduating Class of 2021 for gaining an average of 34 points in their DP examinations, with 85% of the students gaining 30 points and above, and 48% of the students gaining 35 points and above with an average of 38 points! This is a fantastic achievement from our first UWC cohort, who has worked hard to reach those results! Well done!

And welcome to our new cohort of D1 students who will be settling into the routine of a Diploma student in the next few weeks, while the D2 waste no time getting back to work to meet their first deadlines this semester!

Miss Nathalie

DP Coordinator

Outdoor Pursuits

Our Outdoor Pursuits Programme has been revolutionised over the break. Our new brand logo (above) has been designed by our very own Alina Zulfikar (Arusha Learning Support) Our OP team has grown to include Robin Marsh (Moshi) and me as Experiential Learning Leaders and we will be ably supported by Isack (Arusha) and Isaac (Moshi) who are the experienced mountain guides in the OP Leaders role.

We have gone from 5 trips 18 months ago to 35+ new trips!

Trips are separated into Peaks, Plains, Reefs and Rides. I doubt there is a school in the world with such a programme. It will take incredible organisation but we believe we are up for the task and besides when you live in a country as magnificent as Tanzania, Robin and I believe passionately that this should be want we are all about.

If you have an OP question – and I am the first to admit its quite confusing for now – please do not hesitate to email me or WhatsApp and I will try to answer! Similarly, amongst our parent body, I recognise that we have enviable Tanzania outdoor expertise so I am always receptive to advice.

Outdoor Pursuit Trips Semester 1

Home Learning in the MYP

UWC East Africa Merchandise

We are ready to kick start the new school year with  the amazing UWCEA merchandise. Feel free to pop in to see Caroline in Reception to get these. Have a great school year ahead.

Piano Lessons

My name is Gabriel Kalamata with many years of experience of teaching music theory,practical piano and voice lessons. I follow the ABRSM (The Exam Board of Royal School of Music)curriculum from the UK whereby students can learn theory of music,voice and piano grade 1-8. Piano students can take part of ABRSM exams once or twice a year, but this year all exams are cancelled until next year. Exams are not compulsory, it is entirely the student decision.

Here are the times available at the moment.
Monday 3:30-5:00 pm
Tuesday 12:12:30 pm and 2:30-3:30 pm
Wednesday 3:00-3:30 pm and 3:30-5:00 pm
Thursday 2;30-5;5;00 pm

One lesson is Tshs 20000 and for one hour is 30000 payable at the beginning of the term. Parents who are interested to develop the talent of their children in music can call me on 0753 341076,0786 250226 or email me

UWC East Africa Health Guidelines July 27th 2021

UWC East Africa Health Guidelines are based on research and school best practice including input from UWC International meetings and expert personnel and have been adapted to best fit our climate and campuses here in Tanzania. These guidelines, and our accompanying self-screening protocols, apply to all members of the community regardless of whether individuals have been COVID vaccinated or have been previously infected.

General guidelines
1. Students and staff who are well (healthy) should attend school every day.
2. Symptom self-screening checklist are in place for secondary residential students (residential parent screening for primary students) and parental screening for day students. Checklist will be provided for all students.
3. Symptom self-screening checklist to be completed daily by all staff before reporting to work.
4. Students and staff with underlying, related health issues MUST report these.  For staff to the Head of Campus. For students, parents need to update the medical forms with this information.
5. If any students or staff – or anyone they live with – develop Coronavirus symptoms, they will be asked to stay away from school until they experience four, symptom-free days.
6. Facemasks are permitted but not required, for students and staff.
7. Students or staff who leave the country are now no longer required to isolate before returning to school PROVIDED international travel protocols, as stipulated by the Tanzanian Government, have been adhered to.
8. Staff, students and parents are reminded to take sensible precautions when travelling within Tanzania.
School and classroom setup guidelines
9. Hand washing stations at the entrance and across the campuses for all students as they enter.
10. Keep classroom doors and windows open to encourage air flow.
11. Students and staff are reminded to respect appropriate social distancing where possible.
12. As much outdoor teaching as possible.
13. Assemblies to be held outdoors where possible. Whole-school, indoor events postponed.
14. Timetable and room allocation manipulated to minimize student movement.
15. All students and staff required to hand wash/sanitize regularly. At least every time they arrive and depart from the classroom.
16. Hand sanitizer in every classroom, to be used every class change.
17. Staggered mealtimes will be continued, making use of indoor and outdoor spaces.
18. Housekeeping to disinfect classroom surfaces and door handles regularly.

Activity guidelines
19. Excursions/OP to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis after risk assessment.
20. External CAS partnerships to be evaluated and/or adapted on a case-by-case basis after risk assessment.
21. Sporting events and PE to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis after risk assessment.
22. Class trips will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis after risk assessment.
23. After school activities will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis looking at location and physical contact.

Guidelines for Parents and Visitors
22. All parents and visitors must wear masks inside school buildings.
23. Hand washing stations at the entrance of the school for all parents and visitors. Parents and visitors must wash hands before entering campus.
24. Parents and visitors should only enter school buildings by appointment.
25. All delivery vehicles will be stopped at the gate. Where possible offloading will take place at the gate.
26. Community activities as approved by the Head of Campus.
27. Outdoor facilities accessible during posted;rtrt, but the changing rooms are limited to students only.

27TH JULY 2021


Click on any month (below) to link to the live School calendar on our website




