Arusha Campus News – 20 Apr 2024

UWC East Africa Arusha Campus Newsletter Saturday 20th April 2024

Yesterday was the last day of school lesons for our current crop of D2 students. Imagine your LAST day of school…….unless you grow up to become a teacher of course!

Upcoming dates

Mon 22nd April – MYP MAP Testing Week 

Tue 23rd April – 8am Parent Meeting with Director

Wed 24th April – Diploma Exams start

Tue 30th April – 5pm Student Art Auction fundraiser at Schwari

Dear Parents

Isabella (M1) gets to grips with some 3-D shape revision. 

The other day I spent the first part of the morning chatting to a prospective new parent in the Nursery Class as his child spent their first ever morning at school. She kept running back out of the class to show her dad what she had discovered next! By the end of the day I was clapping away our Diploma students on their last day of school! When I was a student teacher in my first job, I remember asking my Head at the time what I should answer when someone asked me ‘What is the most important thing about a school?’ Luckily my first Headteacher was quite similar to me and we didn’t waste much time in coming to the cinclusion that the most important thing was happiness. School should be happy and it is important that students and staff should want to come to school. 

Hopefully, the little girl in Nursery has many more happy days to look forward to and our D2’s can look back at Arusha Campus as a happy place too.

I have had a fabulous week in the classroom with M1. I am teaching M1 Maths and we are on a geometry unit so I think they are ideal candidates to work with me and the school architectural team on our new building plans…..!

Have a super weekend!


PYP News

Images above show our P6 Class getting ready for exhibition

Please see the important dates for quarter 4.

Tuesday 7th May – PYP P6 Exhibition Rehearsal

Wednesday 8th May – PYP P6 Exhibition

Saturday 11th May – Braeburn Cross Country (Selected Students)

Wednesday 15th May – P6 day in M1

Tuesday 21st May Touch Rugby @ Kennedy House. (Selected Students)

Friday 31sy May – Last day of CCA’s

Friday 7th June – Swahili Day

Wednesday 12th June @1.30pm PYP Play

Thursday 13th June – Inter House Cross Country

Friday 14th June Student Council Event / Reports

Friday 14th June – Last day of classes close at 12.00pm

Other Sports events will be confirmed

Miss Amanda, PYP Co-ordinator

P2 Camp at Amani

The P2’s had their camp at Amani (above) this week. They had a wonderful experience linked with their unit of inquiry on tourism.

Writing Accomplishment!

Erlinda Sali (D2) has decided to give one copy of the book that she wrote and published “Can’t Run Away From Crazy” to the library. It is a psychological thriller novel and now available for students to sign out at the library.

A congratrulations and thank you from all of us to Erlinda. We feel extremely privileged to have a successful author in our midst.

Counselor’s Corner

Decision Day is fast approaching (1 May in the US), and today our D2s started the process of revealing their next destination. After a fun, yet emotional, parade through campus, the D2s posed in front of the globe (see image above) to let the world know where they are heading off to. These are just some of the many decisions that have been made, and more to come over the next few weeks/months. The Class of 2024 has worked hard to earn these opportunities, and we are excited to celebrate with them as they prepare to launch.

Exploring a World of Options

As one cycle ends, another begins, and on Friday during Diploma Success Skills (DSS), I shared information with the D1s in advance of scheduling their second post-secondary planning meeting of the school year. The information was sent out to students and families afterwards via Toddle because I am sure many of them forgot what I said as they cheered the D2s on immediately as I concluded. However, we will reinforce the work to be done this quarter in DSS, and during a parent/guardian virtual meeting taking place on 22 May at 7:30 PM EAT.

In addition, earlier this week I met with the M5s in Life Skills to reflect on their D1 Taster Day experiences and how it may inform their career and course choices in the near future, as well as their selection of a Work Experience location where they will spend a week in late May. The world is open to our students, but helping them make sense of the path that they are best suited for is the work I have signed up for. I appreciate the support of teachers, parents and families as we help them take one informed step at a time towards a future that is full of possibilities all around the world.

One way to help is to stay tuned to the events coming our way…

UPCOMING College and University Events

20 April: 5:00-6:00 PM EAT VirtU-8 universities presentations and mini-fair by eight diverse institutions in Qatar, UAE, and United States. (Virtual)
15 May: 4:45-6:00 PM EAT 15 on the 15th returns with a “Hot Admissions Topic” and a virtual fair with 13 Davis UWC Scholar Partners & 2 UWC “friends”
22 May: 7:30-8:30 PM EAT D1 Guardian/Parent Presentation: Post-Secondary Planning Part II: A World of Possibilities (Understanding international admissions)

**Also, be sure to take a look at the newly designed Calendar section of the UWCEA Careers website, as well as individual institution’s website/social media to stay up to date on more upcoming events**

Take care and enjoy exploring!

Cassandra Ford
College and Career Counselor

Recycling at Arusha Campus

Toy Appeal

WANTED! Plastic or wooden toys (easily washed) to share with the children at Selian Lutheran Hospital. The children are generally under 5 years of age. Any small cars, rattles, building blocks, “my little ponies”, balls, small plastic animals, and like items would be most appreciated. Many of the children are malnourished and spend considerable time on the wards and on their beds with their mamas. Any African dolls would be well loved. We would kindly decline stuffed animals because of the difficulty to keep them clean both at the hospital and home. Many items we would keep and use in the inpatient ward and during the outpatient clinic but we would love to be able to send a toy home with a child at discharge. Thank you so much for your consideration! A box will be set outside the UWC Office for collection.

Thank you!!



