| UWC East Africa Arusha Newsletter Sunday 14th February 2021 |  | | Miss Shaheen’s class entertain everyone on Friday afternoon a part of our 100 Days of School celebrations | | Dear Parents |  | | The theme to this newsletter, quite appropriately on this St Valentine’s Sunday morning, is kindness! And I saw plenty of kindness on show this week from our Nursery through to D2. Lets all remember to err on the side of kindness and empathy as we navigate the weeks ahead. Many thanks to our OP Team led by Mr Isack who continue to arrange the most wonderful trips so that our students may enjoy and explore the wonderful outdoors that Tanzania has to offer. Read about our Mountain Bike trip to Moshi and Kilimanjaro that occurred last week. As I write, we have another group of students hiking in the Usambara Mountains. Enjoy your weekend everyone. Phil | | PYP News |  | | We had a fantastic Friday celebrating 100 Days of School with our MYP buddies. Lots of fun stations and events have taken place celebrating the number 100! We also celebrated kindness and love in our Valentines Share Time with a variety of poems and songs. Thank you to everyone for participating and having fun. | | Early Childhood and Nursery |  | | The 100 days of School celebrations on Friday were recognised from the little ones all the way through to M5! | | P1/2 Build Bridges |  | | In P1/2 this week, the students have been exploring how different materials have different properties. Here, Henry, Rowan and Pierre beam proudly as they show off their bridge made out of paper. Changing the shape of materials such as paper can increase its strength enough to build a bridge capable of holding a heavy load. | | Educational Assistants Back to School! |  | | Over the past few weeks, Mr Ali and our Educational Assistnats have been working on developing new teaching strategies in the classroom. In the picture above, Miss Rosemary and Miss Saada get to grips with a maths counting game. The idea is that by sharing ideas of fun teaching ideas, we can all put these in to practice in our classrooms. | | MYP Drama M1 and M2 students have begun working on a performance of the play A Snitch in Time, a time travelling comedy featuring many historical figures. Students are working in two casts to rehearse the play to further development their performance skills with many playing more than one role. Each cast has been working collaboratively in lessons to understand their characters and discover more about significant events in history making this a cross-curricular unit of work. Students are really engaged in the material and have already been thinking about their costumes and props. They are having a lot of fun exploring the narrative and learning about Anne Boleyn and JFK; just a few of the famous faces featured in the play. | |  | | Brenda, Anisa and Malaika get to grips with the script | | | |  | | Siri puffs out her cheeks alongside Vaani and Ibrahim as Fabian paces… | | | |  | | …while the rest of the cast study lines! | | | The DP Corner Mock examinations out of the way, teachers marking away! These past two weeks, the Language B orals also took place ending with English B today. Individual orals are often a big source of anxiety for the students, despite the fact that they are run by their class teacher. They are recorded, marked by the teacher and then a sample is moderated by the IB. This year however, all internal assessments (IAs) will also be marked by the IB. The IB confirmed this week that UWCEA is amongst the schools conducting the May 2021 examinations. These will take place from the 29th April to the 20th May 2021. Graduation will take place on Saturday 22nd May as per the schedule. https://www.ibo.org/contentassets/7f6c7681e0b34fc8b0541c1229c7521d/may-2021-exam-schedule-english-revised-v2.pdf Until then for the D2 students, it is all about work for the D2 students, including completing their IAs and adding the last touches to their Extended Essay! | | IB Diploma Music |  | | Bram puts the finishing touches to his masterpiece As part of the D2 Music requirements, students are expected to fulfill two categories of I/As. In one category, students have the choice of presenting their own work in the form of 1. a composition 2. a solo performance or 3. a group performance. Our two D2 Music students this year are hard at work developing original compositions which will be recorded later this month and submitted to the IB for moderation as part of their final grade for Music. Their work will also be presented to the school during the Festival of the Arts night in March. | | Ode to a victorious Jacaranda House |  | | All Hail Jacaranda – a poem by Jerry to recognise the famous victory by Jacaranda (above) last week in the Inter Boma Classic Football Cup (football) Victorious is the army of the Jac Kingdom Led by an ant, Hakim Vigilant, preservering and optimistic They found hope amidst the storm. At the arrival of the Lions And Rhinos of Acacia, They ran under 4 shelters But found hope In the defeat of determined Baobarians. Enders drew the battle line against Acacia. By the victorious shout of Anam, The army marched for battle With the backup of Vashti soldiers. But with the speed of a cheetah, Hakim destroyed the city of Acacia in 20 mins. All Hail Jacaranda That defeated the Rhinos of Acacia, And feasted upon the victory. All hail Jacaranda. Jerry P. Kulah, II | | Remembering the Holocaust |  | | Ealier last week. Assaf (above) shared with us the story of his family during the holocaust. This was to mrk the anniversarly of Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27th January. | | Miss Coralie’s French Update |  | | 🎶 Le facteur n’est pas passé, il ne passera jamais, Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche 🎶 After singing around, Ethan, Jimmy, Bella and Helmina (P4-5) are working together on their French words (top right) 🥐🍉 During this time, our students on French Ab Initio (D1) are practising their selling food skills! (top left and bottom centre) 🖌🖍 During Unit 3, the P3s have learned about animals. Using their creative skills, they had to create an imaginary animals with two animals. Here are Anisa, Ingraham, Lulu & Chloe and Belia’s final piece of art! (bottom left) 👪 A special felicitation to Mahirah (P5) that has created a very good poster about her family (top centre) | | Outdoor Pursuits Level 3 Mountain Biking |  | | Over the weekend a small but intrepid group of bikers from UWC EA undertook 130km over cycling over various terrain. The three day trip saw the team climb to the Mweka Gate on Kilimanjaro before descending the small, but beautiful Namalok Nature Reserve before a soggy climb back into Moshi on Monday. Mountain biking takes on so many different forms of technique, from downhill to cyclo cross, or enduro cycling like this trip that encompasses all the skills required on a bike. One the fastest growing, and most popular sports in the world, with our terrain here this is absolutely one of the best sports to have a go at! Mr Matt | | Personal Project Latest |  | | Last week, Noemie Meyr presented her MYP exhibition project, a core requirement for the completion of the MYP. On Tuesday afternoon, the 2nd of February, she presented her project in the performance area on the theme of Fashion and the dangers of ‘Fast Fashion’ in particular. Noemie’s exhibition explored issues such as environmental pollution, water conservation, natural resources and labor injustice, all as a result of fast fashion. Noemie’s exhibition was an eye-opener and it gave us information about our clothes that most of us were oblivious to. A key takeaway for the audience was the main differences between what is known as ‘Fast Fashion’ and ‘Slow Fashion’. Fast fashion is the rapid production of on-trend clothing for a cheap price. Unlike slow fashion, this is an industry that compromises the safety of the environment as well as the wellbeing of workers. It was an interesting and insightful presentation indeed! However, we wouldn’t have made justice to Noemie’s exhibition if we didn’t make mention of the models. Her models were bursting with energy and radiant and we learnt a lot about fast and slow fashion from the clothes they wore. Noemie too was zestful and was beaming with joy, happy with the fruits of her research and hardwork. In the end, Noemi made her final representation of the toxic fire and fumes produced from the burning of discarded garments that end up on landfill by wearing Red. Good job Noemie! By Emmahous Kebede and Mark Makonogro | | |  | | | | Counselor Corner |  | | Spread Kindness We thrived through another week while creating ways to engage with new learning and each other. It is so wonderful to see how our students and community (safely) embrace each other, and continue to be a tremendous support system for one another. This is an excellent time to reinforce the mutually beneficial act of doing good for others, especially when it is unexpected. Please take some time over the weekend to plan ways you can infuse some kindness and goodwill into the lives of others, especially those in our school community that you may not know well. Help us to cultivate campuses filled with kindness and joy throughout next week and beyond. In addition to spreading kindness, we encourage you to continue spreading knowledge as we celebrate Black History month. The best way to be in a position to spread information is to brush up on important history, and we would like to share these resources for your consideration: How to Celebrate Black History Month with Kids https://www.parents.com/kids/responsibility/racism/how-to-celebrate-black-history-month-with-kids/ Parents of M4-D2 students, have you requested access to your child’s Maia Learning account ? If not, please send an email to counselor_moshi@uwcea.org with your child’s name, grade level, your name, and preferred email address in order to be provided access to follow along on your child’s post-secondary planning journey. Finally, due to the global pandemic institutions from around the world have been providing a plethora of presentations that you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PkurQYYtwz1sdX5b44r22DgdZk4F-U8g/view?usp=sharing Take some time to explore what these institutions have to offer as you and your child consider their global post-secondary options. Take care and stay safe, UWCEA School Counseling Team | | |  | | | | URGENT Appeal! |  | | | | Books to Succeed |  | | Clear out your Christmas reads and donate your unwanted texts to our appeal! All books will be willingly received at our Main Reception. | | Calendar Please click on any date below to be taken to the website calendar | | February |  | | | | March |  | | | | April |  | | | | | |