Dear Parents,
Many thanks to all of you who were able to join us yesterday for the Parent Association picnic at TPC. It was a great opportunity for parents and teachers to meet in a more social setting. Thanks to all those parents who helped to organise and manage the event. Meanwhile congratulations to our swimming team who won many medals and represented the school well at the Tanzanian swimming championships in Zanzibar this weekend. Last week we held two very successful sports days (for secondary and primary) and wish to congratulate all those students who participated so enthusiastically. This week we will be marking Peace Day on Monday with an assembly, our M2 students will be undertaking field study at our school house in Pangani, and an intrepid band will be attempting to summit to Uhuru Peak departing from Moshi on Thursday.
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Peace Day Assembly
  We will be celebrating Peace Day this Monday with some Peace Poems written by the students and some musical performances. This is a chance for our community to reflect on conflict resolution both at home and abroad. Parents are very welcome at our assembly 7.40-8.15 am in Karibu Hall. All students and teachers will be wearing Blue & White for this occasion.
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M2 in Pangani
  The M2 class will be away from the 28th September to 1st October 2015 for an Interdiciplinary unit between Integrated Humanities and Mathematics. They will carry out their studies in Pangani coast and will be residing in the school’s beach house.
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OP: Uhuru Peak
  We wish all the very best to our 20 students (from both campuses) and four teachers, who will be attempting to reach Uhuru Peak on Mt. Kilimanjaro this weekend. All the students and teachers on the trip have previously been successful in various lower level Outdoor Pursuits trips and are now ready to achieve success on this demanding trek. They will be leaving from Moshi on Thursday, 1st and returning on Tuesday, 6th October. We wsh them all the very best. A second Uhuru Peak trip is planned for early March.
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Boarding News
  The boarders have settled in well, particularly the new ones who joined us this quarter. A few who waited to sit for NECTA exams joined us in the last two weeks. Despite this being a new experience for them, the ISM community has helped them to settle in and they have found their way around.
The boarders have also got to know one another, and each boarding house has elected representatives to the Food, Boarding and Activities Councils, which meet weekly to deliberate on boarding issues.
We have organized different activities to engage the boarders over the weekends, with the help of boarding parents and a couple of volunteers. These include sports, music, games and trips to different places, the latest being the MYP trip to the hot springs in Bomangombe last week on Thursday 24th September. This quarter there have been a few changes affecting the boarding parents. Ms. Joyce Mmole earlier moved from the girls’ Diploma boarding house to work as the main boarding parent in the girls’ MYP dorm to cover Ms. Jocelyn who is on maternity leave. Last week Ms. Val had to go away to deal with an emergency, and Ms Joyce has returned to Kijana to work with Ms. Delphine as boarding parents in the diploma girls’ house.
In the meantime, Elizabeth Tarimo and Elizabeth Kimario are responsible for the MYP girls’ dorm Kiongozi until the first week of October when Ms Val comes back. Ms Jocelyn will resume duty on 9th October, and we should go back to our normal routine.
Ms. Joyce (Kijana) can be reached on
Ms. Elizabeth Tarimo (Kiongozi) can be reached on .
The quarter ends on 16th October at 10.30 am. Thank you to those parents who have already sent me transport details/tickets . I would like to remind all parents who have not yet done so to kindly get in touch as soon as possible on .
Rosemary Bango
Head of Boarding
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Primary Sports
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Primary Football
  Our primary football team will be playing a friendly match against Eden Garden this week on Moshi Campus on Thursday, 1st October from 3pm to 4pm.
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Primary 3-Way Conferences
  Date for your Diary – Thursday, 15 October – Three Way Conferences
All our parents are invited to come to school on this day with their child for a three-way meeting with the class teacher. You will discuss your child’s goals which will be sent home very soon. You will also be able to book the time you would like to come in with your child. There are no formal classes on this day, therefore your child will go home with you after the Three Way conference.
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  Save the date – ISM Hallowe’en Parties will be held on Friday, November 6th
ISM will once again hold Hallowe’en events for Primary and Secondary day students and boarders.
Primary Event – 3.30-6.30pm (approx.)
Have you ever been to a ‘Trunk or treat’? Well now is your chance! We are looking for parents, friends and teachers of ISM to decorate their car trunks (boots!) in a creative way and provide tricks or treats for the children. Check out ‘trunk or treat’ websites for lots of fun ideas. Cars will be parked at ISM and the children will visit your car to get treats/play games/be tricked in some way! It’s up to you. Prizes will be given for the most creative car boots. After this there will be games, food and a fancy dress parade. Prizes will be given for the most creative costume.
Secondary Event – 6.30- 10.30pm (approx)
The secondary students will go on a trick or treat bus tour around Moshi. Day students will have to travel with their parents due to limited spaces on the bus and truck. There will be a disco and other surprises back at school.
If you are interested in helping to organize either of these events please meet at the ISM Duka on Wednesday, 7th October at 3pm and/or contact the relevant person below:
Christine Brandsma – if you would like to host secondary students at your home for trick or treating
Annalee Horton – if you would like to help with the primary event in any way.
Elena Gullickson – if you can help chaperone the secondary disco.
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Musical Instrument Lessons
  If your child is having individual music instrument lessons this semester, you should have received an invoice. The amount invoiced is an estimate of how many lessons your child will receive this semester (until December). Please pay the full amount as invoiced. If your child received fewer or more lessons, we will either issue a credit or a supplementary invoice after the end of the semester.
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Music Notes
  Good news from the Music Room: we have two new private instructors who have joined our team of teachers in the ISM Private Music Lesson program! Mr. John Machibya is now available to teach on Monday and Thursday afternoons. His areas of expertise are: Clarinet (all levels), Saxophone (beginner/intermediate), and Trumpet (beginning/intermediate). Ms. Geerte de Koe is available to teach violin at all levels. If your child is interested in taking lessons on one of these instruments, please visit the Private Music Lesson bulletin board and sign up for a time on either Mr. Machibya or Ms. Geerte’s schedule. Be sure to take the contact information of your child’s instructor so that you can be in direct contact with him or her.
Music education (and arts education, for that matter) is often a hot topic of debate, as everyone has a different opinion about its importance and philosophically how it fits into a whole-school curricular program. The IB clearly holds all the arts subjects as important, enough to warrant them a requirement for study from P1 through M5. However, the IB approach to arts education – and one that I personally believe in – is very different than what many people imagine.
Music is very much a “doing” subject. For as far back as we can go in historical records, there is evidence that music and music-type activities have been a part of nearly every world culture over time – drumming to accompany rituals or ceremonies, instrumental music to accompany dancing, group singing while working. The list can go on. Even today we can see music in churches, children playing singing games on the playground, and in some parts of the world, adult music ensembles that bring communities together. Because these are the ways in which most of our students will eventually keep music in their lives, it is the duty of the music educators to be sure that our students are competent performers and feel comfortable being a music “doer” in many situations.
However, that is not all. Learning to understand the elements of music and appreciate music from a variety of cultures and time periods is just as important. Having an adequate knowledge base of this theory and appreciation can only serve to better inform one’s musical performance or creation. As well, there may be a child who simply does not like to perform, however still every much feels connected to music and wants to learn how it is put together. Knowing how to read, write and create music – not just perform it – opens up doors and provides a more thorough means of communication. And even at a most basic level, because music is such a universal activity, from it’s study students can begin to develop their own sense of beauty, not just in their own culture, but many.
Because music, and the arts, are such holistic subjects, as a music educator, it is my duty to ensure that each child in my classroom receives the most well-rounded music education possible. Many of our ISM students come to music class with some type of performing background, which is fantastic. That is a great basis from which to open up a broader study of music. From this foundation, we are able to discuss universal musical concepts, study history through the lens of music, start to develop creative thinking by conceiving of different types of music, and much more. Support for this type of approach to music does not come only from the school, but also at home. As parents, you can encourage a more holistic approach to musical thinking and musicianship by engaging your son or daughter in a discussion about what he or she is doing in music class and asking “why” questions to promote deeper thinking.
With your help and assistance from home, the music education your child receives will be deeper and hold more meaning due to this holistic approach, and will hopefully be carried with them the rest of their lives.
Musically yours,
Susan Kellerman
ISM Music Teacher and Program Coordinator
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Art News
  Even though we are already nearing the end of the first quarter, we would still like to congratulate our Music and Visual Arts Diploma students from last year on their terrific results! We are pleased to see the number of students involved in the DP Arts program growing and we are proud of the work that they have produced. Well done!
Exciting new plans are being made in the Arts Department for this academic year. Our department (Music, Visual Arts and Drama) has been meeting regularly to plan for the events that will be taking place this academic year. At ISM, Music is offered in all three of our programs, Visual Arts in both MYP and DP and Drama is currently being offered at MYP level. Our aim for this year is to work together collaboratively and to showcase much more of the work by our talented performers and artists.
In an effort to improve the arts program, the M4 class is currently focusing on two of the Arts and the M5 class is focusing on one of the Arts. We believe that this will help towards a better preparation in Diploma and all of the subject choices have now been finalized by these students.
  Throughout the year, our CAS program will continue to offer a variety of creative options for students who are particularly passionate and/or for students who wish to try something new and different outside of their subject areas.
Drama, Visual Arts and Music will be working together during this first semester to present the Little Shop of Horrors musical to the community in December. Keep an eye out for more information around that time.
The curriculum trip planned for this year for the Arts is the M3 trip, in which the students will spend three days focusing on an Interdisciplinary Arts unit in which they will participate in Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts workshops, with their Arusha peers. We hope to have some guests run workshops. If you are keen to help out by running a workshop or know of anyone in the community, please let us know. Of course, our Diploma students will conclude their Diploma career at ISM by showcasing their work in the Diploma Arts Exhibition and in their music performances in the third quarter.
The Arts department will be using the weekly newsletter as a forum to keep parents informed about the happenings regularly and also to post photos/links for student work.
If you are interested in helping the M3s by running an Arts (photography, dance, music, drama, etc.) workshop during their trip, please contact me. The trip will take place from the 9th till the 11th of November.
Anine Pier ()
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D2: American University Tests
  The final opportunities for our D2 students to take expected North American university tests are coming up next semester:
- SAT tests: Many D2 students may wish to take either SAT Subject tests or retake the SAT Reasoning Test in Moshi on 7th November if they re applying to the USA.
- TOEFL Paper-Based test: This will be held in Moshi on 14th November and is an English Language test required for many students prior to entry to a US or Canadian university.
- SAT tests: A further opportunity to take SAT tests is available on Saturday, 5th December.
Registration for all tests can be done online and fees are payable by credit card. Students who wish the school to help with payment for tests must see Keiron White before our internal deadline of Wednesday, 7th October. As usual, an 8% credit card fee will be added to the bill for any student asking for payment through the school.
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Mzungu Kichaa
  Mzungu Kichaa will be playing a special concert in Karibu Hall on Tuesday, October 13th (the evening before a public holiday) to support Mension, a mental health NGO working in Tanzania. Mzungu Kichaa is a well-known player on the Dar es Salaam music scene playing the Tanzanian style of Bongo Flava that mixes reggae, rap, afrofusion and traditional Tanzanian music. He has been nominated twice for a Danish World Music Award – in 2009 in the category “Best World Album” for “Tuko Pamoja” and in 2012 “Twende Kazi” was a candidate for “Best World Track”. This concert will be open to the public as well as to ISM students and our community. Tickets will be on sale on the door although entry to ISM students is being offered for free. Please tell your friends and others of this great opportunity to hear a superb musician – Did I mention that he is also an ex-ISM student?.
Check out his videos on YouTube: or
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Nyerere Day
  Please note that Wednesday, 14th October is a national holiday marking the day of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere’s death in 1999. There will no regular classes on that day.
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Goals for Sustainable Development
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Library Developments
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Trip to Paris
 Linguistic and cultural trip to Paris!
M4-D2 students learning French from both Arusha and Moshi campuses will be offered a fantastic opportunity to go on a linguistic and cultural trip to Paris for 10 days during the holidays in March 2016. Students will be able to extend their knowledge and skills in French through immersion. Students will stay in French host families, will attend a 2 hour lesson every day with a professional teacher as well as going on cultural excursions every day. A maximum of 20 students can go on this trip and will be accompagnied by two ISM French teachers.
A letter with more detailed information was given out to M4-D2 French students on Monday. In the meantime, if you would like to know more information about the French organisation facilitating this trip, you can visit their website:
If you are interested in your child joining this trip, please contact me on .
Thank you,
Valérie Veillon,
French Teacher
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Diploma News
 Coursework/D2 Deadlines – Many D2s are moving along to other upcoming coursework deadlines. An aura of serious effort pervades the campus and is great to see particularly during the very quiet and focused evening study time each weeknight. Coursework deadlines are fixed. We’ve now set our D2 deadlines for 2015-2016. Should a student miss a D2 coursework deadline, then no grade is awarded by the IB for that course. In sum, please help us in supporting your son/daughter in the DP by checking on D2 coursework deadlines.
Extended Essay – On Wed 4 Nov, D2 students will reach a milestone in their academic program by submitting their EE final version. D1 students will begin the process of writing theirs in early 2015. EE supervisors recently provided feedback to D2s and, if heeded, this should help them improve their final version.
 Parent-Teacher Meeting – DP parents should have at least one parent make the journey to campus for the Oct 16th parent-teacher conference. It is invaluable for you to dialogue with your son or daughter’s teachers and understand first-hand how your son/daughter is progressing in each class. The journey’s cost will be worthwhile. Students whose parents never visit ISM may be busy professionally but they’re missing a beautiful period of their adolescent child’s life.
Course/Level Changes – The D1 “drop/add/change” period will conclude at the end of this first academic quarter. D2s may make final course level changes imminently but this must be concluded by 10 October to avoid costly IB exam late registration fees.
 References/Grade Reports – DP teachers are diligently preparing these weeks/months D2 subject/tutor references and marking assessments or preparing assignments that will contribute to the reports students will receive in mid- October.
Boarders’ Free Time – Parents of DP boarders would be smart to continually (as the boarding team are doing) encourage students to use their “free time” well. At ISM the most successful students appear to follow the motto “work hard, play hard” vis a vis getting what needs to be done in terms of homework and general study on the subjects studied. Then, they enjoy their many extra-curricular activities on offer at ISM. However, the typical student who is having difficulty can be seen most late afternoons and weekends only socializing, watching movies, playing too many video games and hanging out too much around campus to the detriment of their academics. A great regular question for parents of ISM DP boarders would be to ask the DP student, can I see your after-school schedule so I get a sense of the usage of the hours from 3 to 10pm on weekdays and all day on the weekends as a chunk of this ‘free time’ should be dedicated to study. Bottom line – Given that parents are providing this generous gift of a world class ISM education in the ISM DP, you should “get your money’s worth” by very often checking on them and coming to – if at all possible – the four parent-teacher conference (as noted above) to assess the pulse of their school/study/free time routines.
Holiday – The 2015-2016 second academic quarter commences on Monday November 2nd after the two-week midterm break that starts on Saturday Oct 17th. Please ensure that your son/daughter in the DP returns on time. Occasionally parents plan late and/or in a rushed fashion resulting in late arrivals back on campus after holidays and school days missed. I cannot overstate how problematic that is in terms of negative consequences for DP students.
 Sports Day – D1s and D2s sure served as great role models of sportsmanship at the Secondary Sports Day this past Monday.
Recommended Reading for Adolescents – A great book to purchase and read along with your ISM DP teenage son or daughter is reviewed and summarized in this link –
As usual, feel free to write or call with any questions or concerns related to your child’s program of study in the ISM DP.
Best regards,
Rick Fitzpatrick – Diploma Coordinator
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PYP Trans-Disciplinary Skills
  As part of their learning at ISM Primary School, the students will acquire and apply a set of skills as recommended by the IB. These are divided into 5 sections and are valuable, not only within the classroom, but also in life outside of the school. It should be noted that PYP teaching and learning does not stop when lessons end; it continues throughout the daily lives of our students. These skills are not learned by accident; they are activity taught, practised and encouraged.
THINKING SKILLS: acquisition of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, dialectical thought and metacognition.
SOCIAL SKILLS: accepting responsibility, respecting others, cooperating, resolving conflict, group decision making and adopting a variety of group roles.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, presenting and non-verbal communication.
SELF-MANAGEMENT SKILLS: gross motor skills, fine motor skills, spatial awareness, organisation, time management, safety, healthy lifestyle, codes of behaviour and informed choices.
RESEARCH SKILLS: formulating questions, observing, planning, collecting data, recording data, organising data, interpreting data and presenting research findings.
Kate Schermbrucker (PYP Coordinator) Source: IBO – Making the PYP Happen
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Early Childhood Preview
  Many thanks to all the parents who came to support the Primary Sports Day on Friday. I’m sure you will agree that the children had a fun and very energetic morning. For some children it was very daunting to race in front of a large group of spectators on such a hot morning, but everyone joined in with some support from teachers and parents. Next year the EC1 children will be EC2 and performing at a completely different level and you will be even more proud of their accomplishments! Of course EC2 children will be in P1 and taking part in more track and field events. It is amazing the progress they make in a year!
Unit of InquiryWe have three more weeks left of this unit and it’s not too late to come in and spend some time teaching the whole class or small groups. This week we will continue with the books about learning, which are part of our summative assessment. Last week was so short that we didn’t get the class book started so this is also another job to be done! We will also reflect on Sports Day and what we learnt from the experience. I am also going to ask the children to work in small groups to complete a task cooperatively. This will give them a chance to learn from each other as they work together, reflecting on how they did at the end!
This week EC1 will find out about the letter sound g made by Golden girl (we didn’t manage to cover this last week) and the letter sound f made by Fire fighter Fred. EC2 will concentrate on word families with the short vowel sound e. We are also going to read stories by Julia Donaldson and focus on predicting what will happen, discussing favourite characters and stories and explaining why they are favourites. If your child has a favourite Julia Donaldson story please talk to them about why they like it.
We will work on a portfolio piece about 2D shapes. In number the EC2 children will have opportunities to order numbers that are out of sequence (for example, 10, 5, 20, 15, 8) from smallest to biggest. We have a great computer programme that allows the children to practice this. EC1 children will order numbers in sequence if they are ready for this. Others will match numerals to sets of objects and focus on which has more and which has less.
EC1 will swim on Monday and EC2 will have PE
Library is on Tuesday and Thursday
EC2 will swim on Friday and EC1 will have PE
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P1/2 Preview
 Information for Parents
I hope we tired your children out at our Sports Day on Friday. It was a great day of athletic events and activities, and the children really enjoyed a day outside.
On Monday we will have our all-school peace assembly. Children do not need to wear an ISM T-shirt that day, but should instead wear blue and white. We will be singing with all of primary at the assembly. You are welcome to attend. The assembly should begin around 7:40.
 Language focus for the week
Group 1 children will continue to focus on initial consonant sounds this week, and the group 2 children will learn about words that have two vowels. We will continue to read and write throughout the week.
Maths focus for the week
Both groups will be working on adding and subtracting using a number line. Group 1 will work with numbers from 0 to 40, and group 2 will work with numbers to 100.
Unit of Inquiry
We will reflect on our health unit, and we will prepare to present in an upcoming assembly on October 5th. We will also start our new unit which will be about plants.
 What to bring to school:
A hat for playtime and a healthful snack.
PE (wear PE shoes)
Peace Assembly (wear blue and white)
Library (please send your books in the library bag)
Swimming (please send swimsuit, goggles, and towel)
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P2/3 Preview

This week we enjoyed a lesson conducted by Seema Shah – Imani’s mum. We thank her greatly for her time and effort in explaining about the different groups of people living in Tanzania. This fitted very well with our lines of inquiry.
The students worked hard on perfecting their group news reports, i.e. their summative assessment task. These dramas were performed to others in the class and the children were individually assessed according to criteria they helped to design. The results of these will be sent home shortly.
We have now completed our unit on Tanzania. The children reflected on the unit and realised how much they had learned and experienced in the last six weeks. They wrote thoughtful reflections which will go in their portfolios and shared with parents at a later date.
The children completed this short week by taking part in Primary Sports Day with a great deal of enthusiasm and commitment. Well done P2/3 students!
 New Unit:
Transdisciplinary Theme: How the world works
Central Idea: We use simple machines to make work easier
This week the students will tune in to their new unit by completing a number of thinking routines.
English Focus: ee words
Maths Focus: strategies for addition
What to bring to school every day: A water bottle and a healthy snack.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: ISM Peace Day/Spirit Day (wear blue and white clothes) Homework will be sent home | Swimming lesson – please bring a separate bag containing a swimming costume, towel, flip flops (or similar to walk to the pool) and googles if desired.
Tuesday: Library session (bring books to change)
Thursday: PE Lesson
Friday: Homework due in
Kate Schermbrucker – P2/3 Teacher and PYP Coordinator
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P4 Preview
  The week has been eventful! Thank you parents for coming and cheering us during the Sports Day. I would also like to appreciate all the parents for sending the children with their hats, drinking bottles and ensuring that they are dressed appropriately. It was a great day!
Students have completed their first unit of inquiry and they got the opportunity to assess each other during the Summative Assessment. Next week we start a new unit.
Our Central Idea is: There are a variety of energy sources, which cause objects to move in a variety of ways.
  We will be inquiring into:
- Forces
- What energy can do
- How we use energy
Language Arts – students will look at the vocabulary related to the unit and will be finding definitions of unfamiliar words. We will also be looking at the structure of Explanatory writing, which is the writing genre we will focus on during this unit.
Math – we will continue to work on subtraction with regrouping and measurement in cms, m and inches.
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P5 Preview
 Information for Parents
We will be performing a song at the Peace Day Assembly on Monday. Please have your child wear blue and white, they do not need to wear school T-shirts on Monday. Our class will be leading the primary gathering on Friday. Please feel free to attend to learn more about our last unit of inquiry.
Language focus for the week
The children did a great job prewriting their personal narratives and will begin working on their drafts this week. Students are reading chapter books for their guided reading groups and have been assigned passages to read before Wednesday.
 Maths focus for the week
We will be focusing on how the base ten number system works and why it is easier to multiply and divide numbers that end in zero. Students will also work together to arrange place values through decillions and decillionths!
Unit of Inquiry
We will tune in to our new unit this week. Our central idea is: People and the en-vironment are affected by natural phenomena in many ways. Our lines of inquiry are: The causes of different types of natural phenomena, the effects of natural phenomena on societies around the world, and how people try to overcome the negative effects of natural phenomena.
What to bring to school: A hat for playtime and a healthful snack.
PE (wear PE shoes)
Swimming (bring swimming kit, towel, and flip-flops)
Library (please bring your library books to exchange)
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P6 Preview
  During our three normal timetable days P6 worked on the topic on Superheroes across the curriculum. In English we invented our own superheroes, thinking about their abilities and weak spots, before writing an Instructional recipe to follow in order to become this Superhero. The students really impressed me with their creative ideas. In Maths we completed various problem solving tasks that included finding height and width of Superheroes, working out costs of printing various Superhero names and Superhero algebra. We looked at the proportions of the human body and drew our heroes, finishing them off with bright Superhero-style costumes. We used our IT times to type up our recipe texts and insert photographs of our artwork.
  On Friday P6 students worked hard for their houseteams during Sport Day. This was an action-packed, fun day and I was impressed by the students support towards one another, as well as their ability to organise themselves in their teams without too much instruction.
Unit of Inquiry: New unit! Central Idea: Finding peaceful solutions to conflict leads to better quality of human life.
We start the week off with Peace Day, and will explore personal perspectives on peace. Throughout the week we will be gathering together what we already know and thinking about what we would like to find out.
 English language focus: This week in English we will focus on developing our Reading Comprehension skills, using texts that link the ‘Hero’ and ‘Peace and Conflict’ units.
Maths focus: We will be exploring 2D shapes this week, thinking about what we already know and building on our knowledge of shape vocabulary. By the end of the week the students should be able to name and accurately describe properties of 2D shapes.
Monday 28th September: Peace Day. Students to wear Blue and White.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |