Dear Parents,
   We would like to wish all ISM families a very happy Diwali today and New Year tomorrow. Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights celebrated by Hindus on the darkest night (new moon) this month. Jains and Sikhs also celebrate Diwali.
In school, we have also been celebrating with many children’s events linked to Hallowe’en which took place in ISM on Friday. This weekend we have also had a fantastic tennis tournment in school. Meanwhile a large group of ISM students is currently participating in the Kenyan Short Course National Swimming Championships in Mombasa. Details of these and the many other school activities for last week and next are given below.
This week EC and P1/2 are looking forward to their day trips to TPC and Machame, some of our D2 students are preparing for their final diploma Swahili exam next Friday, nearly all our D2 students are putting the finishing touches to their Extended Essays due this Tuesday, many primary students are preparing for the swimming tournament on Saturday, a group of secondary students are preparing to climb to Mandara Hut on Kilimanjaro this coming weekend, some D2 students are getting ready for SAT tests on Saturday, and our football and basketball teams are gearing up to compete at Arusha Campus on Saturday.
It is always amazing that so many different activities can take place in a relatively small school and this can only happen with the enormous enthusiasm and commitment of those who help to organise such events, especially our teachers and parent community. Many thanks to you all.
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Tennis Tournament
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As you may know, our school is an accredited member of both the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the Middle States Association (MSA). We are proud to be able to use these kite marks to underpin the strength of our school as they demonstrate that we continually focus on improvement and do all that we can to adhere to the rigorous standards and practices created by these two global accrediting agencies.
In April 2016, we were visited by a team of professionals who evaluated our school against our own Self-Study, which was created by our professional staff over a period of 18 months. I am writing to you today to provide you with the excellent news that the International School Moshi has received formal re-accreditation by both organisations, a real testament to this community’s dedication and drive to be the very best school that it can be. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my colleagues for the time and effort that they put into this process and particularly Joe Wright, our Steering Committee Chair who led it both efficiently and effectively.
Warm regards,
Bob Horton, (Director)
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OP: Uhuru Peak

Congratulations to the whole group who climbed Kilimanjaro last weekend to Uhuru Peak. This is a highly demanding outdoor pursuits trip and all who got to Kibo Hut, Gilman’s Point or Uhuru Peak deserve to be applauded for their determination and their achievement. Many thanks also to Isaac Foya, our OP Coordinator who led the trip, and to Salim, Flo Larpent and Katie Crisp who accompanied them.

This weekend another Outdoor Pursuits group will be climbing to Mandara Hut – the first hut on Kilimanjaro.
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Primary News

Last week the P5 Class and P6 Class went on an overnight camp to Lake Chala. The children all cooperated well with each other and helped to make this a very successful field trip. They collaborated to put up and take down tents and went on some challenging hikes in this beautiful and wild location. They learned a great deal about the natural resources of Lake Chala, which fits well with their current unit of inquiry. Many thanks to all the staff who helped to plan and prepare for this trip and who guided the students so nicely on the camp, i.e. Ms Cathy, Ms Deborah, Mr Foya, Ms Catherine, Ms Lydia, Mr Thadeus and Mr Marvin.
Thanks to all the parents, teachers and children who joined in with the Primary Hallowe’en event on Friday afternoon. The children really enjoyed the Trunk or Treat, costume parade, family pizza and Hallowe’en movies. Thanks to everyone who decorated the trunks of their cars and prepared games and tricks for our students. This was a really fun community event.
  This week the P1/2 and EC students will go on two different day trips. The P1/2 students are looking forward to visiting the TPC sugar plantation and the EC children are excited about seeing lots of animals at Machame. These are both unit related field trips. They will be both enjoyable and educational.
If children are missing lunch boxes or any other items, can parents please take them to the Lost & Found at the ISM Reception Desk to reclaim them. Please can we ask parents to name all of their children’s belongings including T-shirts, water bottles and lunch boxes. Thanks for your help with this.
This week we welcomed three new student teachers to the Primary School. They will work with EC, P4/5 and P5. All three have settled in nicely and have already established themselves as a part of our community. They will remain with us and observe and teach lessons for 6 weeks. Student teachers always help to add a new dimension to the classroom and we welcome them very much. We continue to appreciate the help of a number of volunteers as well. They assist in the primary and secondary classrooms, Learning Support Department and boarding houses. Karibuni sana!
This weekend we wish Joanna and Ashraf the best of luck as they represent our Primary School in Mombasa at the Kenyan Short Course National Swimming Championships. Go Leopards!
We hope many of you enjoyed the ISM community tennis event on campus – on Saturday and Sunday. Thanks to Rick Fitzpatrick, Maria Chauhan and Coach Charles for organising this.
Next weekend we are looking forward to hosting the NTAA Primary Swim Meet on our campus. More details to follow.
Kate Schermbrucker, (Head of Primary)
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Secondary News
  I would like to start off by thanking all of you that helped us celebrate UN Day and the school’s 47th birthday this last Monday. It was great to see the students parading in with the flags and the older students helping the younger ones.
I would also like to thank all the people that made Friday’s Hallowe’en festivities so successful. I have just been listening to the screams from Kishari House so I am guessing the haunted house is living up to its name.
The next two weeks bring IB exams for a select few D2 students on November 4th and 7th; University visitors on November 10th and a level 2 OP trip to Usambara also on November 10th. As well, our D1 students will meet up with their counterparts from Arusha to discuss TOK and CAS related items on November 14th and 15th.
On a side note, the views of Kilimanjaro in recent mornings have been fantastic.
Bob Cofer, (Head of Secondary)
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Boarding News
  The boarders have had a busy weekend, starting with the usual town trip on Friday afternoon. The same day in the afternoon and evening, they were involved in activities that marked Hallowe’en. Primary students had their activities in the afternoon, while secondary boarders started their activities at 6.30pm. The highlight of this was a disco in the social centre in the evening for secondary students.
There was tennis and football on both Saturday and Sunday, and a pool party on Saturday evening. The boarders will be taken to their respective places of worship on Sunday morning, and there will be the usual dance classes on Sunday afternoon. The IT lab will be open on Sunday afternoon from 2.00pm to 08.30pm.
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Sports News
Congratulations to those swimmers who have qualified to represent Tanzania! This is an excellent achievement. Good luck to the swim team as they race this weekend in Mombasa.
This will be the 16th edition of this great sporting event. And it is fast approaching and will be held from Friday, November 25th to Sunday, November 27th. The following schools will be competing in various sports being played during the weekend. ISM (Moshi Campus) ISM – (Arusha Campus) Int School of Tanganyika (IST) Morogoro Int School (MIS) AISS, Dar es Salaam Haven Of Peace Academy St. Constantine’s St Jude’s Orkeeswa
Students will be competing in the following sports: Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Netball, Swimming, Rugby, Tennis, Volleyball and Ultimate Frisbee. Due to the size and scope of this event the ISM Sports Department is looking for volunteers who can help with Food stalls, Scorekeeping, Timekeeping, Officiating, Swim Gala Helpers, and Cross Country Marshals. We are also looking for sponsors for the event, those people, shops, companies that are willing to donate their help, expertise, supplies or money (especially for equipment and T-shirts) to help make the event a success.
If you are interested and require further information, please contact Scott Hibbard, ISM Head of Sport at Keep watching this space for more information!
Sporting News
The next scheduled event for these ISM teams will be November 5th at ISMAC, as well as the Primary School Swim Meet at ISM. Please look for further information in future news letters about these events.
You can find the rest of the Season One Game Schedule from the NTAA at
House News
On Monday, November 7th during Assembly period in Karibu Hall will be the Athletics Day Awards Ceremony. It will be an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the houses, and to celebrate those students who took home gold, silver and bronze medals in the secondary athletics competition.
There are the following events that Houses can participate in: NTAA Logo Competition, House Quiz, and the ISM Fashion Show. Please see Mr Hibbard for more details.
As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise three excellent after-school activities, so please find below information regarding swimming, tennis and horseback riding.
Swimming lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced with Coach Sabini. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact Coach Sabini in person.
Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
As the year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards
Scott Hibbard, (Head of Sport and Physical Education)
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United Nations Day
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New Buildings
 Our new buildings in school are progressing well and both are expected to be completed early in the new year.
In the centre of the campus, we are building a multi-purpose hall that will be used for examinations, larger group meetings, and other events. On the southern edge of the campus we are constructing a new 32-bed boarding house so that we will be able to expand our boarding capacity to meet the likely rise in demand over the coming years.
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Fashion Show
  This Saturday, 5th November there will be an opportunity for day students and boarders to work on their costumes for the ISM Future Fashion Show. Take your starter pack and come to the picnic area at the big playground, from 2pm till 4pm. It will be possible to make drawings of your design and to share and discuss ideas. There will be the opportunity to work with paper maché to make some futuristic creations. Besides there will be (scrap) material available to work with. If you have any questions, please contact Christine: 0756 730125 or via email: .
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Diploma Updates

- DP teachers analyzed past May IB DP exam results in their particular subjects in the quest to determine how to improve for the future. Writing skills has emerged has one key area in which additional focus is required.
- D2 students have been completing final adjustments to their 4,000-word independent research project called the Extended Essay and which is due for submission on November 1st.
- DP parents are reminded to consult the ManageBac page for their son/daughter to better understand their course of study.
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Early Childhood Preview
 Unit of Inquiry
Last week we enjoyed Mariza and Janieck sharing their experiences of interacting with animals. This is true action being taken by our youngest inquirers in the school! Please continue to think about how you can encourage your child to share their experiences in class and make connections to our unit. Next week we will go to Janieck’s house to find out about the animals that he helps to look after as well as the wildlife he sees in his garden. Please return the permission slip on Monday. Please also return the homework on the animals that live in your garden so that the children can share with the class.
  The children will also find out more about farm animals next week and how farmers interact and care for their animals. We will start work on our animal frieze and the children will inquire into animals that are new to them.
We made a start on the ‘Dear Zoo’ books last week. These will be available to read in our classroom reading area soon. Your child will let you know when they are ready to share.
EC1 (and new students) will find out about the sounds k made by kicking King (not covered last week) and l made by Lucy Lamp light.
EC2 will revisit sounds w and z made by Walter Walrus and Zig-zag Zebra.
  The children will continue to work on the class animal dictionary and read both fiction and non-fiction animal books to help them with their inquiries.
Continue to sort and classify animals
Graph favourite farm animals
Continue with simple addition using animals stories
Count animals and match groups of toy animals to numerals
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P1/2 Preview
  Happy Halloween! What an exciting week!
Congratulations to Rhea, Eli and Eddie for receiving a green leaf at the Primary Gathering on Friday morning. Keep up the good work!
Important Note. We are very excited about our field trip to TPC on Wednesday, 2nd November. Please read the letter, sign the permission form and return it on Monday. Thank you.
Maths focus of the week. This week the children have been continuing their shape work and also investigating symmetry. They now understand bi-lateral symmetry and are able to draw the mirror image of a shape, e.g. the other half of a flower (to relate to the current unit). Many thanks to all the parents who emailed photos of their children with shapes at home. We enjoyed looking at these in the lessons and it led to interesting discussions.
 Unit of Inquiry: How the world works. Central idea: Understanding how and why living things thrive can help us connect with nature.
Our beans are really enjoying the children’s love and care by growing bigger day by day. The class is so excited about growing them that I think we are going to plant some flowers as well and look after them throughout the year.
Next week the children are going to work on their Summative Assessment. One task of the assessment is to make a Poster. The children have looked at books, videos and have chosen a topic for their project.   Topics ideas: Life cycle of a plant; Connections between plants and humans; Conditions under plants grow and thrive; Different forms of flowers or plants; etc.
Could you please encourage your child/ren to collect their topic related pictures, facts, articles, take some photos and bring them to school on Monday?
‘My dream house’ project. We have received some gigantic boxes and are planning to decorate them. The children were asked to brainstorm ideas, design their dream house and then together we will make our ‘class dream house’.
Phonics focus of the week. This week we played lots of phonics games practising sounds recognition, blending and segmenting words and writing words and sentences with great success.
What to bring to school every day:
A hat, a water bottle and a healthy snack. Some children did not have their hats this week. The rule is: No hat, no play, no fun.
Can you please check that your child has got a hat every day. Thank you.
Indoors shoes.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: Swimming – please bring:
swimming cap (for long hair)
flip flops (the concrete by the pool can get very hot)
sun lotion
and a plastic bag for the wet kit.
Homework goes home.
Tuesday: Library
Wednesday: Field Trip to TPC
Thursday: PE lesson
Friday: Homework due in. Please make sure the spelling books are returned because our Spelling Test is on this day.
‘Show and Tell’ for group 2.
Thank you for your co-operation! Have a great week ahead!
Ms Andrea, P1/2 Teacher
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P2/3 Preview
 Dear Parents, thank you to those of you who came and supported the Hallowe’en fun on Friday. The children had a lot of fun.
I would like to thank those of you who have sent in indoor shoes for your child. If you have any empty toilet roll tubes, please can you send them into class.
 Last week in class:
The children were busy making Hallowe’en decorations whereby they had to follow directions and a key to create their design. They also began to work on their Poetry Anthology which they will continue next week. They worked hard on being able to tell the time on the hour, half past and some were working on five minute intervals.
The Week Ahead in class:
Unit of Inquiry:
This week the children will be working on this unit’s summative assessment. They will be either working individually, in pairs or small groups. Their task will be to use a form of expression that they feel comfortable using and to represent a poem of their choice. They will also be giving feedback on each other’s presentations.
The children will be creating their own Poetry Anthology. They will be following a set criteria to do so. The children will be sharing these with you either at home or as a celebration in class – Watch this space.
Word work this week will be a review of the words we have focused on and writing them correctly and using the correct directionality.
The children will continue to play WAR and subtraction from 20 to develop their subtraction skills. We will play serval time games. Please begin to ask your child the time at home as it is a crucial skill to be able to do. The children will be working on solving math problems and using their understanding of numbers to complete these problems. They will also be reflecting on their math ability and setting goals to help them improve their number work.
We have begun to read My Father’s Dragon as part of our read aloud books. The children are following a map of the journey and using their Math knowledge to answer questions to help them solve clues in the book.
The reading strategies for this week will be:
1. After reading the text go back and imagine yourself in the setting and as the character.
2. Think of the character’s feelings
Both strategies will be taught during partner reading and as something good readers do on their own.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: Homework will be sent home. From now on RAZ kids will also be part of the homework. It will be an addition to the homework and not instead of reading their home reader.
Inside your child’s yellow home reader there is a new reading strategy sheet. Please make use of this at home.
Tuesday: Library and Swimming starts (costume, towel, pool shoes) – Please send in a plastic bag in which your child can put their wet things in after.
Wednesday: P3 French
Thursday: P3 French
Friday: PE (sport shoes and comfortable clothes – no jeans) Homework book returned.
Useful websites:
Please label all your child’s belongings before sending them to school. This will make it easier to identify if misplaced. Thank you
Have a peaceful weekend
Clare Hibbard P2/3
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P4/5 Preview
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P5 Preview
 It was wonderful to see all of the children dressed in national costume or the colours of their flag to celebrate UN Day on Monday. Some of the P5 children presented slides about the global refugee crisis and the work the UN does to help refugees. They did a good job and spoke clearly and confidently.
In our Unit of Inquiry sessions the children have started researching natural resources of their choice. Some have chosen tanzanite, others have chosen to look at problems associated with logging, others are investigating animals as a natural resource and looking at the reasons for, and consequences of, poaching. We will continue with this work next week and will complete a summative assessment activity for this current Unit of Inquiry.
  In Maths the children have worked on Sudoku puzzles to improve their ability to work systematically and think logically. Next week Mr. Marvin will be working with the children exploring measurement using millilitres and litres. We will also work on addition and subtraction and some of the children will bring home flashcards to practice.
The main event for us this week was the P5/P6 camp at Lake Chala. We had a terrific time. The children put up their own tents, walked down to the crater lake and enjoyed a campfire in the evening. They danced and sang songs, played soccer, and there were reading activities and puzzles for those who wanted to do something quieter. We were lucky enough to meet some scientists from South Africa who talked to us about the exploratory drilling they plan to do at Lake Chala.   These scientists are hoping to learn about the changes at Lake Chala over millennia by looking at the sedimentary rock. On our final morning we walked to a dry river bed formed from magma dating from when Kilimanjaro erupted. Mr. Isaac explained to the children that the area used to be an elephant corridor but the elephants have not been seen in the area in recent years as they have been severely affected by poaching. The camp was a great opportunity to form closer friendships and working relationships and to explore our unit of inquiry about human interaction with natural resources in a real life setting.
The week ahead:
Monday – Library
Tuesday – P.E. French
Wednesday – Swahili
Thursday – French
Friday – Swimming, Swahili and Music
Deborah Mills, (P5 Teacher)
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P6 Preview
 We have had an amazing week, which started with UN celebrations as well as the school marking its 47th birthday.
  We then had a wonderful session with Jasmijn (Nuno’s mum) who taught us about bee keeping and the products we get from bees. It was awesome to learn how we can check the quality of honey, see examples of products we get from beeswax and taste the honey in its purest form. We thank Jasmijn for conducting this wonderful session for us.
The P5 and P6 classes went to Lake Chala to learn more about our current unit on the Earth’s resources. It was an amazing outdoor experience. The hike down to the Lake was quite challenging but the students made it look too easy. They worked collaboratively as they pitched the tents, cleaned up their cutlery and kept the environment clean and safe.   Thank you to all those who helped make this trip a success and that includes the parents as well.
Math: In the coming week we will be looking at mean, median and mode as the students wind up their unit on number patterns.
Language Arts: The students are publishing their information booklets and to capture our experiences of the camp they will work on a descriptive piece of writing. We will be looking at the figures of speech; simile and trying to apply this in our writing.
Unit of Inquiry: For our Summative Assessment, the students are going to be experts in their chosen area and will give a presentation on their chosen natural resource. They will connect their presentation to our lines and inquiry. In their reflection they will tie what they learned through the unit together with their experience of the camp. Our Summative Assessment presentations will be on Thursday and Friday of next week and we will wind up with reflections.
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |