Moshi Campus News – 28 Oct 2017

What a week back

As you entered back after the holiday I am sure you noticed the new art on Rafiki Hall welcoming you back to campus.  This was designed by a group from school and drawn by Ian Horne.  We then had a local artist, Mr Fraten, painting this with Mr Horne through the holidays.  Please note this is just one of the projects that the school’s staff completed.  I notice that some people have already started taking advantage of the more open space behind the library.

This week we have opened a new boarding house, started a new term and had a great International Day.  The assembly had wonderful performances and was a perfect start to the day.  The PTA and a multitude of parent helpers then created a fantastic event to end the week.  I must say that I failed to eat something from each stall, but not by much.  The PTA was able to raise about 2 million Tsh from this event for future projects around campus.  Thank you once again for such a fun day.

The next week will not be any slower for any of us.  We have Healthy Living Week with an assembly on Monday.  Then the Primary will show off their healthy bodies with the Primary Sports Day on Wednesday. Thursday, Laurence Nodder from UWC will join us on campus for two days. Then Friday we have our second Farmers’ Market in Moshi to be followed by the Halloween events in the afternoon and weekend.

Please make sure you read the Halloween announcements below as both the primary and secondary events still need volunteers to help out.

If you would like to see some of the pictures from International Day, please see the gallery at the end of the newsletter.

PYP Halloween

Halloween Bags

The Minjeni Women’s Group will be selling Halloween “Trick or Treat” bags at the ISM Farmer’s Market on November 3rd. Why not pick up a bag ready for collecting candy when you go “Trunk or Treating” in the afternoon? Be sure to visit their stall.

Bake Sale – Tuesday Oct. 31

With the Halloween spirit kicking into full gear, the service council would like to present to you our Halloween themed Bake sale which will be held on Tuesday the 31st of October. There will be a variety of baked goods being sold at break time (10:15 – 10:35) at the breezway. All proceeds from this bake sale will go towards a service project.

Diploma News

The D2 students will submit their completed extended essay on Nov 6th and TOK students’ presentations are also imminent.

The D1 students will receive a full report in December.  At that point we will be looking at how students would be affected by the Diploma Progression Policy which states: “all full diploma students will be expected to have a minimum of 22 points (obtained by adding the reported achievement grades from their six subjects excluding ToK & EE). Any student achieving fewer than 22 points (or achieving fewer than 11 HL points) will be required to undertake a reduced programme with either fewer subjects or with fewer higher levels.”

  • Plan ahead.  Attend the December 15th parent-teacher conference.
  • This past week the DP teachers participated in workshops looking at ‘differentiation’ and the use of the IBs ‘approaches to teaching and learning’ criteria.
  • Collaborative learning is key to a DP education.  A photo of the D1 History class involved in a collective discussion is shown.

Weblinks:  Advice on teen smartphone use –

Rick Fitzpatrick

MYP News

Welcome Back
Thanks for getting your child back to us this quarter. We are grateful to those who attended our International Day on Friday October 27. We celebrated our diversity while relishing our international mindedness.

This week M5 students presented their Draft 1 Personal Project reports to their supervisors. Whereas some of them have got feedback, the rest of them will get comprehensive feedback by end of next week.

The official Drama, Music, Visual Arts, Design, PHE, French and English language acquisition units from the IB  are about to be released and the students  start them in November.

David Ochieng

MYP/DP Halloween

Boarding News

Boarders have come back to school and are already settled in for quarter 2. The few remaining are expected to come in next week. With this we have opened the new dorm, Kisiwa for use by Diploma boys.

We marked the International Day outside K hall on Friday afternoon. There was fun, dance and food from all over the world to embrace diversity.

On Saturday morning, Diploma boys were involved in an environmental cleanup exercise along Lema road, in line with the Presidential directive. In the evening, boarders will be treated to a concert prepared by the Moshi community. Other activities like football, disco and dodge ball will keep the boarders entertained during the weekend.

We do not charge boarders for transport to and from Kilimanjaro Airport on the scheduled closing day and opening days. However, we will charge $60 per child if transport is provided on any other day. We are not able to provide transport to/from Arusha airport. We therefore encourage parents to book flights that land in Kilimanjaro and Moshi airport respectively.

Rosemary Bango

Farmers’ Market

Sports News


Congratulations to those Leopard Swimmers who represented ISM and Tanzania in the CANA 3 Swimming Championships over the October holiday. Those students were Abraham K (M1), Maria B (M2), Chris F (M4), Sanne K (D2). Their hard work and dedication have paid off as many personal best times were achieved. ISM swimmers earned a total of 2 gold medals in relays; 1 silver and 3 bronze medals in individual events; and earned a total of 148 individual points plus contributed to 36 relay points for Team Tanzania.  This helped Team Tanzania win the overall event between the 6 participating countries.

This past Wednesday our U15 Boys Basketball and U19 Boys Football travelled to SCIS and won both games, it was great to see those teams come out victorious. Next up will be the U15 Girls Basketball and U1 9 Girls Football on Monday October 30th at SCIS. Below you will find upcoming sporting events.

  • November 4th U15 Basketball and U19 Football NTAA Games
  • November 8th U19 Football NTAA Games vs St Jude’s
  • November 11th NTAA Secondary School Athletics Meet at ISMAC
  • November 18th U15 Basketball and U19 Football NTAA Games
  • November 24, 25, 26th 17th Annual Secondary School Sports Weekend.

As the season and year progress please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.

Go Leopards

Scott Hibbard

CANA Swim Team and Relay winners

Primary News

We very much enjoyed celebrating ISM’s colourful International Day on Friday. Thank you to all parents who organised for their children to dress up in clothes from their home country, or who helped out with the various country booths in the afternoon. The International Assembly was a good reminder of why we love being a part of this diverse community.

Next week is Healthy Living Week at ISM. The assembly and some of the lessons will have a Healthy Living focus. You can support the teachers by encouraging these good habits further at home, e.g. having a good balance of work, rest and play; getting good quality and enough sleep; eating a healthy, balanced diet; drinking plenty of water; taking care in the sun; always washing hands after going to the toilet; and getting daily exercise.

As part of Healthy Living Week, we will hold the Primary Interhouse Sports Day on Wednesday. All EC – P6 children should arrive at school wearing their house t-shirt, shorts, a hat and their running shoes on this day. The events start at 7.40am on the top pitch and last all morning. Parents are welcome to come along and cheer the children.

We will celebrate Halloween on Friday afternoon. Children should come to school in normal clothes that day, ready for normal lessons in the morning. Halloween events will only begin at 3.30pm, when they should return to school in their costumes. Please help us by signing up to create a ‘Trunk or Treat.’ The sign up sheet is on the Primary Noticeboard.

Kate Schermbrucker

EC News

Thanks to everyone for participating in the International Day. The children had a great time and we looked very colourful. We’ve had some interesting discussions about three of the five Kingdoms in the classification of life. The children have begun to think about the Earth as a discrete planet with various oceans and land masses, and a question about why we ‘stuck’ to the Earth led us into a quick basic demonstration of the curvature of space-time caused by huge objects. Children can begin to access even some of the biggest ideas when broken down simply. Why not?

We are planning to cover the bars around the EC play area with a ‘vertical garden’. We are looking for about 20 more 1 ½ Litre plastic bottles to use. Baba Kayla and Mama Eefke have offered help with the design and , but please come and let us know if you have any experience in this area.

Wednesday is Athletics Day so please wear a house shirt.

Swimming starts on Thursday. Please see the email I sent you for more details.

Owain Evans

P 1/2 News

Thank you for helping us link living things with International Day.

The children have enjoyed learning about living national symbols, from beavers to lions and even the Dodo bird.

This week, the children began researching their chosen animal on They will continue with this next week as they work on their animal report.

We also talked about nocturnal animals and crafted some artwork ready for Halloween next week. It was interesting to find out that bats have special blood vessels that allow blood to flow in one direction so they can hang upside down.

In Maths, we completed our 2D shape work and we are moving on to 3D shapes next week. The children used 2D shapes to create animals and scenes of their choice.

  • Tuesday: P.E.
  • Wednesday – Athletics Day so wear a house shirt
  • Phase 2 sound: short vowel sound e
  • Phase 3 sound: long vowel sound e
  • Show & Tell: Michael and Nadia

Mboka Mwsongwe

P 2/3 News

Thank you to everyone for supporting and helping us celebrate International Day.

This week has been full of exciting learning experiences within our unit.

The children have experienced and created their own art pieces from different parts of the world. They created Kenyan camel bags using bleach, patchwork pieces using geometric shapes and cut paper alpanas used in the Diwali celebration.

Next week the children will be completing their non-fiction books. They will be creating their own “How to” books where they will teach someone something. This ties in nicely to this week’s UOI homework. In Math, we will look at fact families and the relationship between addition / subtraction and multiplication / division. The class will continue to develop their understanding of shape by using tangrams.

Monday: Homework. Healthy Living Week
Tuesday: Library and PE
Wednesday – Primary athletics, please wear house t-shirt
Thursday: Swimming
Friday: Homework due in. Primary Halloween starts at 3:30pm

Have a lovely weekend

Clare Hibbard

P4 News

We had a lovely international day this past week. I enjoyed reading and seeing the students celebrating diversity together. Thanks to all who supported the international day by helping out on this great community event. A highlight of this week was our work on a collaborative project with the music department. The students are developing a stop-motion animation recount of a favourite Greek myth and will attempt to compose music to go with the frames of the video. This is a complex task which requires strategic planning, creativity, music and tech skills but despite this the students are enjoying this immensely. In UoI, the students are well into the note taking stage of their chosen topic. Be sure to ask them about what they are finding out about.

Swimming has started on MONDAYS please send your child with proper kit. Remember (especially) next week to send healthy snacks to school as it will be healthy living week!

Julie Bowen

P5 News

Ms. Signe joined us this week from Denmark. She has been busy getting to know the P5 students, listening to them read, supporting them with measurement activities and sharing some Danish treats! Welcome Ms. Signe. On Friday we had a wonderful International Day assembly. Every P5 student was dressed in clothing representing their different countries and they looked wonderful – see photo.

We have been putting the finishing touches to our animal stories and next week we hope to read them to a younger class. We will then begin work on a non-fiction book about natural resources. The children have been busy finding out about  the different natural resources available in each country and are ready to select some to focus on for further research. In maths we will be measuring in millimetres, centimetres and kilometres and will be recording these measurements in different ways. We are also developing our multiplication skills.

We will complete some Halloween art next week to decorate the breezeway leading up to the dining hall. Please read the Halloween article in this newsletter, email me if you are willing to decorate the trunk of your car and remind your child to purchase tickets for the Halloween dinner (on sale in the main reception.)

Wednesday – PYP athletics day – please wear a house shirt
Thursday – Swimming
Friday – PYP Halloween Festivities 3:30 pm.

Deborah Mills

P6 News

Welcome back! Students have settled into Quarter 2 and are already very busy with their various learning engagements. The camp preparations are underway and today more details have been shared with the students.

This week we started looking at the writing process and students have learned how to use an essay map through They will be creating information booklets to share their knowledge during their Summative Assessment. In Math, we were also working on finding the lowest common multiples to add or subtract fractions with different denominators. Kindly support your child with multiplication facts if they have not grasped these.

Kindly note: Monday- P.E.
                    Wednesday- Athletics Day so wear a house shirt

Cathy Wambua

October 27, 2017

ISM International Day