Dear Parents,
As we reach the end of a school year, there are many farewells to say, to the students who are moving on to other countries and other schools, to the families moving with them, and to the teachers who are advancing to new roles in other schools. We wish all well.
This week in school we will be marking the end of the year and these transitions at our final assembly on Thursday, 15th June, 8:45 to 10:15. Students are free to leave school after that assembly. We hope that many parents of secondary students will be able to join us for the parent-teacher conferences that day from 10:35am to 12 noon. Reports will be issued for all students up to M4 and for D1 students on ManageBac on Wednesday, 14th June. Please use your regular login details to access your child’s report.
Personally I have been very privileged to have worked at ISM over this lengthy period – I estimate that about 2700 students have passed through the Moshi Campus in my time here. It would not be true to say that I remember all, but I certainly do remember considerably more than half of that number. They have been an enormously diverse group with different stories, skills and talents, but nearly all have enriched my life in some way as they have also enriched the school. I have enjoyed engaging with their families when they first came to visit the school, meeting them in those first few rather nervous days in ISM, celebrating their successes, finding a way through their difficulties, and wishing them well for the next stage as they graduate or leave many years later, confident in the knowledge that ISM has given them some of the skills and resources that they will need to succeed in the future.
I wish ISM all the very best for the future and hope to keep a close eye on the school’s developments. As it has in the past, ISM will face many challenges in the years ahead. I am confident that the school can meet all these challenges and can grow and thrive. The School must keep true to its principles and beliefs – these are what make ISM the success that it has been and will be in the future. Always let these fundamental beliefs guide the School in its plans and developments. Do not sell out to market forces or give way to commercial pressures unless these will truly take the school to its desired goal. Place our philosophy first with students at the centre and, however bumpy the road, ISM will continue to be proud of what we can achieve.
Thanks to all who joined us or sent messages at my farewell picnic yesterday – I was overwhelmed by the generosity of your remarks. May I thank all with whom I have worked over this time. The seven directors of the school, the six heads of Arusha Campus, the many teachers, boarding parents, support and ancillary staff, board members and parents and the truly hard-working and supportive campus leadership teams who have helped to make my stay and role so enjoyable. I hand over this campus to Bob Cofer and Anna Marsden, sad to go but confident that all is in good hands and ready for the next stage of ISM’s journey. Keiron White
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Dear Parents,
As many of you will know, my family and I will be leaving ISM at the end of this year after five years service to the school. It has been an enormous privilege to have had the opportunity to support our two campuses and I would like to thank you all for everything that you have done to assist both the school and me during my time as Director. We have achieved so much through this partnership but there is still a great deal more to do.
Once again, our campuses will find themselves with two senior administrators on each campus rather than three next year and therefore our professional staff will have even more to do than usual. I send my sincere thanks to my colleagues for all that they do for our students each and every day. Each one works tirelessly to provide an education of the highest quality to your children.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say a special thank you to Keiron White, the Head of Moshi Campus for his 29 years service. No one could have contributed more to our school and we all owe him so much. He has proved to be a first class teacher, supported our students with such care and attention, guided and assisted teachers, administrators and our support and ancillary staff, and of course helped so many parents feel comfortable as our school has strived to meet the needs of their children. On behalf of the whole community I send Keiron my sincere thanks for his long and dedicated service to ISM.
I send my successor, Dr. Anna Marsden and her family all good wishes for a happy and successful posting here at ISM, knowing that our wonderful communities on both campuses will give her all the support that has been shown to me during the past five years. My wife, Annalee and my daughters, Alicia and Emily join me in wishing you all, every happiness for the future. I am confident that through the support offered by all members of our community, the International School Moshi will continue to grow and thrive during the coming years. Warm regards, Bob Horton, Director
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Debbie Garbett has been working on the Moshi Campus for 22 years – in fact you can read the announcement of her arrival in the 1995 newsletter. Joining us initially as the Kiongozi girls’ boarding parent, Debbie has been a primary class teacher and, in recent years, our Head of Learning Support. Her children came here when young and grew through the school to graduate here and move elsewhere, but still regard Moshi as their real home. Debbie has been a strength and support to many, both the girls who she cared for in Kiongozi, and the numerous others who she has supported with their learning. Her experiences over those many years have been memorable and we know that she is sad to leave ISM and Tanzania after such a time. We wish her all the very best in Kampala.
Bob Horton joined ISM as Director in 2012 and has had a massive influence on the school over the last five years. He has set himself a demanding schedule, always ensuring to spend a considerable time on our Arusha Campus as well as in Moshi, despite the lengthy drives back and forth and the pull of his family back in Moshi. He has been highly successful in setting a clear direction for the School and keeping us firmly on track. I will miss his steady and careful leadership, his sound advice and assurance, and his role as both a colleague and a friend.
Annalee Horton has been at ISM for five years and has won enormous accolades in her role as the Early Childhood teacher. She is immensely caring for the young children struggling to cope with the demands of starting school live, whilst providing them with a strong, structured curriculum that has helped all to progress and learn in those first few vital years. Another less applauded role has been the difficult one of being a Director’s wife – providing the support and encouragement needed, whilst retaining independence and professionalism in work. It is hard to understand how challenging that can be, but it is a role she has managed with great success and aplomb.
Valérie Veillon joined ISM in 2013 arriving with her husband and two children, Yann and Joshua. In her four years at the school she has demonstrated an amazing teaching ability as she excelled in meeting so many of the diverse needs of the students in her French classes. She will be warmly remembered by many for her promotion of the language and care for the students in her classes. Her support to all in the teaching team at ISM will also be sorely missed.
Ryan Sullivan is leaving Moshi Campus after having arrived here three years ago with Jocelyn (Kiongozi boarding parent) and Niall, whilst Effie has joined more recently! Ryan has worked as the school’s counsellor, as a French teacher, and more recently as the Primary PE/Sports teacher. He will most surely be remembered for the massive effort that he has put into raising the standard of our swimming team to the fantastic level that they have now reached. Ryan will be leaving his family in Moshi’s care, but will no doubt be a frequent visitor to the campus in the year ahead.
David Hagen joined ISM in 2015 and has taught many different English classes throughout the secondary school. A strong supporter of the school’s sports programme, David has coached many of our best soccer players – he has also helped significantly in CAS activities including recently chess and recycling. Although only here for two years David has made many friends and will be warmly remembered by many of his students – we wish him well next year.
We say farewell to all our leaving teachers, and look forward to welcoming the new members of our community in August – see details below.
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Many thanks to all the students, parents, alumni, teachers, former teachers, PTA members and support staff who all contributed to the fantastic farewell picnic held on Saturday afternoon. It was a really lovely community event and a fitting farewell for Keiron who has worked tirelessly for ISM for the last 29 years. Current and former ISM families came not just from Moshi, but also Dar, Mwanza and elsewhere. Tributes were read out, songs were sung, poems were recited, quizzes were held, gifts and a giant card were given, drinks & bakes were sold to raise money for the scholarship fund, a raffle was held and much more. It’s clear that Keiron is very well respected and will be greatly missed.
Kate Schermbrucker

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Attached to this newsletter, you will find our planned calendar for the school year ahead 2017/18. We have tried to plan events throughout the year as well as possible, but the calendar is, to some extent, dynamic. Please check on our Google calendar at for updated calendar information throughout the year.
For those who wish to plan ahead, the school term and holiday dates for the 2018/19 school year are now published. Please download this calendar at
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Every year we update our various handbooks for students and parents and would encourage you to download and read these documents which provide a wealth of information on classes, curriculum, and expectations
Primary Parents’ Handbook: /wp-content/docs/archive_documents/PriHBook.pdf
MYP Handbook:
Diploma Handbook:
Secondary Student’s Handbook:
Student Expectations:
Boarding Handbook (Secondary):
Boarding Handbook (Primary):
Parental Consent (PC) Form (Primary):
PC Form (M1-M4):
PC Form (M5-D2):
Health Form (Day Student):
Health Form (Boarder):
All these, and many other documents are available to download from our website publications page at
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In the new school year, we look forward to welcoming a number of new teachers to the campus. The following will be joining us in August:
Anna Marsden is our new Director, who will be working across both the Moshi and Arusha campuses.
Anthony Hemmens will be teaching English in the secondary school and also working as our CAS Coordinator.
Emmanuel Kileo is joining us as a part-time counsellor for the campus.
Eva Toth-Nagy is the new Head of Learning Support.
Jaime Strattan will be the Kiongozi girls’ boarding parent and will teach MYP Science.
Laura Webb is teaching French in the secondary school.
Mboka Mwasongwe is returning to ISM to teach P1/P2
Owain Evans will be continuing in ISM, but moving to teach the Early Childhood class.
There are welcome messages and more details on all our new teachers at You may need to enter a password for access. Please contact the Head of Campus for this..
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We started the week with the moving P6 Ceremony in Karibu Hall and ended with the enjoyable Primary Gathering in Rafiki Hall. We watched funny skits put on by the P4/5 students, plus a fantastic demonstration by the Jump Rope Club. We also listened to friends reading lovely messages to those who will leave Moshi at the end of the semester.
In class, all week, the children have been adding to their knowledge about good nutrition, exercise, the benefits of sleep etc for our Healthy Living Week. Each class has used their creativity to design informative cloth squares which will be sewn together to make a giant patchwork wall hanging for the Dining Hall – showing us all how to live healthier lifestyles. This theme week was a great initiative and will be followed by more ISM Healthy Living Weeks in the future.
The P6 class has had an especially important week. On Friday they became M1 students for the day. They had to find their way around different classrooms in the Secondary School and enjoyed meeting their new teachers. On Tuesday they also had a lesson in the Secondary French Room with visitors from Alliance Française.
During the course of the next week the children will be completing their final summative assessment tasks. They will also be reflecting on their current unit and the learning they had done in the year just gone. There will be no homework set this week, but children should read everyday, including in the holidays.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents for their support this year. It has been a pleasure working with your children. We wish you all a relaxing holiday.
We are now starting to consider the next academic year. If there are any parents who feel they could help out with or run a primary club next quarter, please get in touch (
Reminder: Please collect and take home your child after their lessons or clubs have finished. We do not provide childcare in the afternoons. Teachers and assistants are busy with meetings and lesson preparation at this time. Children should not be left at school to roam around without supervision.
The Week Ahead: Monday – Final day of clubs Tuesday – Interhouse Cross Country Run for all P1 – P6 children (1.30 – 3pm) Wednesday – Student Reports will be published on ManageBac Thursday – Final Assembly 8.45am in Karibu Hall. Primary children go home at 10.15am. Kate Schermbrucker, Head of Primary
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Our P6 students celebrated the end of their PYP years last Monday.

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This past week the D1 students completed their science project trip out past Arusha and have started the three school days focused on their Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge. For our M1 to M4 students, they have started their MYP focus days on Friday which is a combination of community service activities and interdisciplinary focused projects allowing students to focus their learning in different areas of interest.
On Wednesday, we have the Secondary Sports day with the houses competing in a number of sports.
Then we have the end of the year, which to me has come amazingly fast. The student reports will be released on Wednesday June 14th. On Thursday June 15th, we will have the end of year assembly followed by parent conferences. The assembly is scheduled to start at 8:45 and the conferences at 10:35.
Please remember that next year all M3-D2 students are required to have a laptop computer for their classes. Next year we start on Monday August 14th with boarders scheduled to return on Sunday August 13th. Have a good holiday Bob Cofer, Head of Secondary
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This was the final weekend of the year. We break for the long holiday on Thursday, 15th June 2017. We appreciate the parents who have shared the end of quarter transport arrangements with us. Students are allowed to leave on Thursday morning. For those using flights, kindly send transport details to the Head of Boarding on email address
The school provides free transport to Kilimanjaro Airport on the scheduled closing and opening days. The school charges $60 for transport to/from Kilimanjaro International Airport on any other day. We are not able to provide transport to Arusha Airport. Boarders will return to school for the new year on Sunday, 13th August 2017.
The highlight for this weekend was the farewell Picnic for Keiron White, held on Saturday afternoon outside Karibu Hall. PTA, alumni, parents, students and staff all gathered to say goodbye in a very emotional event. It was a lovely, well attended and celebratory event, full of fun, music, dance and poetry. The boarding team will definitely miss him and we wish him well.
Every year the school advertises for partners to run the school duka. Anyone who wishes to run the duka for a year from August 2017 (including the current partners) can get in touch with the Head of Boarding, to get more details. Rosemary Bango, Head of Boarding
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As we close the year with only one week left we have some important information to provide all students and parents regarding the ISM Sports Department. Please find that information below.
The NTAA has completed its calendar of events for both Primary and Secondary Sports, please click here to see the proposed calendar. It’s quite exciting as it is packed full of opportunities for our students to participate in sports.
All plans are place for next school year, please click the below links for all the important information.
Tentative Practice Timetable: ISM Coaches 2017-2018:
On Wednesday June 14th is the last sporting event of the school year – with the Inter-House Secondary School Sports Day. This event will start promptly at 07:35 and will conclude at 14:45. All students are kindly asked to refer to the posted schedules on the Breezeway board. We look forward to a great event.
Activities As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise three excellent after-school activities, so please find below information regarding swimming, tennis and horseback riding.
Swimming lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced with Coach Sabini. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact Coach Sabini in person.
Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
As the year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards Scott Hibbard, (Head of Sport and Physical Education)
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Our final week of PSPE classes were spent in the pool playing waterpolo and finishing off our last few swimming assessments. Each child will be given a swim assessment as part of their primary portfolios, with some standards that they can use to work on during the long holiday. Jr. Varsity swimmers should try to get to a 25m pool at least once a week for a workout.
Many of our primary athletes traveled to Kennedy House for a spectacular day of triathlon racing, with many coming very close to the top spot. Parents and senior swimmers were involved as well, and all represented ISM honorably at the last away competition.
This Tuesday 13 June 2017, at 130pm, we will host the 1st Annual Interhouse Cross-Country Competition at ISM. All students aged P1-P6 will compete in different distances on the ISM pitches. Parents are welcome to join and encourage the runners. We will tally the points and add them together to the overall school totals.
The ISM holiday is fast approaching! It is very important to make sure all ISM primary students are getting outside and staying active! Parents are encouraged to limit screen time (time in front of the computer or television) and to encourage your child to be outside playing, in organized sport, racing, reading books, doing extra work in their subject areas, or anything that keeps their brain and body active. Healthy living week taught all of us what healthy food looks like, limiting sugary food, processed foods and sugary drinks to one or two special times during the week, and having healthy plates the rest of the time. We use the 80%/ 20% rule as a guide; if we eat 21 meals a week, that means 4 meals with a sugary or processed food and the rest of the meals without. This will keep us healthy, strong, and energized for all the different activities we do in a week!
Sadly, I will not be returning to ISM next year, as I will be in Nairobi finishing my MA in Counselling Psychology. It has been a great pleasure to work with so many rising stars! The ISM talent pool is deep; we have many excellent athletes and all of our students know how important sport it to their well-being. I will be back often to spend time with my family who is staying, and I know that the ISM sport team who will be in place next year will carry on the momentum we have gained this year. Best of luck to all of you and remember to keep fit and have fun!!!! Coach Ryan
Upcoming Dates Tue 13 June 2017 – Interhouse Cross-Country – ISM Moshi Fields – 1:30pm.
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M3 Cross Campus Arts Trip to the Cultural Arts Centre at Tumaini University Makumira
M3 Arts students from both ISM Moshi and Arusha Campuses recently attended a very successful 3-day cross-campus Arts Trip to work with staff from the Cultural Arts Centre (CAC) of Tumaini University, Makumira.
Staff and students from both ISM Campuses spent an action-packed 3 days camping in the University grounds and collaborating with members of the CAC Team, to learn the traditional Tanzanian skills of tie-dyeing, drum-making, drumming and dancing.
ISM students were split into different groups, with each group led by CAC experts who not only taught our ISM students the skills and processes of their different activities, but were also able to put them into context. So, for instance the dance group learned about different types of danc
This week in school we will be marking the end of the year and these transitions at our final assembly on Thursday, 15th June, 8:45 to 10:15. Students are free to leave school after that assembly. We hope that many parents of secondary students will be able to join us for the parent-teacher conferences that day from 10:35am to 12 noon. Reports will be issued for all students up to M4 and for D1 students on ManageBac on Wednesday, 14th June. Please use your regular login details to access your child’s report.
This is the last newsletter that I will be editing for the Moshi Campus and I sign off with very mixed emotions. After 29 years in ISM and 26 years of producing newsletters, a break may be a good thing! Our newsletters have gone from short letters typed on a typewriter and duplicated to parents, to longer word-processed duplicated documents sent out once per term, to textual emails, to the current weekly mixed text and photo email and web format. No doubt new changes will be in the pipeline. If you would like to see a sample newsletter from 1995, click here: I have been very privileged to have worked at ISM over this lengthy period – I estimate that about 2700 students have passed through the Moshi Campus in my time here. It would not be true to say that I remember all, but I certainly do remember considerably more than half of that number. They have been an enormously diverse group with different stories, skills and talents, but nearly all have enriched my life in some way as they have also enriched the school. I have enjoyed engaging with their families when they first came to visit the school, meeting them in those first few rather nervous days in ISM, celebrating their successes, finding a way through their difficulties, and wishing them well for the next stage as they graduate or leave many years later, confident in the knowledge that ISM has given them some of the skills and resources that they will need to succeed in the future.
I wish ISM all the very best for the future and hope to keep a close eye on the school’s developments. As it has in the past, ISM will face many challenges in the years ahead. I am confident that the school can meet all these challenges and can grow and thrive. The School must keep true to its principles and beliefs – these are what make ISM the success that it has been and will be in the future. Always let these fundamental beliefs guide the School in its plans and developments. Do not sell out to market forces or give way to commercial pressures unless these will truly take the school to its desired goal. Place our philosophy first with students at the centre and, however bumpy the road, ISM will continue to be proud of what we can achieve.
Thanks to all who joined us or sent messages at my farewell picnic yesterday – I was overwhelmed by the generosity of your remarks. May I thank all with whom I have worked over this time. The seven directors of the school, the six heads of Arusha Campus, the many teachers, boarding parents, support and ancillary staff, board members and parents and the truly hard-working and supportive campus leadership teams who have helped to make my stay and role so enjoyable. I hand over this campus to Bob Cofer and Anna Marsden, sad to go but confident that all is in good hands and ready for the next stage of ISM’s journey. Keiron White
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from the Director…

Once again, our campuses will find themselves with two senior administrators on each campus rather than three next year and therefore our professional staff will have even more to do than usual. I send my sincere thanks to my colleagues for all that they do for our students each and every day. Each one works tirelessly to provide an education of the highest quality to your children.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say a special thank you to Keiron White, the Head of Moshi Campus for his 29 years service. No one could have contributed more to our school and we all owe him so much. He has proved to be a first class teacher, supported our students with such care and attention, guided and assisted teachers, administrators and our support and ancillary staff, and of course helped so many parents feel comfortable as our school has strived to meet the needs of their children. On behalf of the whole community I send Keiron my sincere thanks for his long and dedicated service to ISM.
I send my successor, Dr. Anna Marsden and her family all good wishes for a happy and successful posting here at ISM, knowing that our wonderful communities on both campuses will give her all the support that has been shown to me during the past five years. My wife, Annalee and my daughters, Alicia and Emily join me in wishing you all, every happiness for the future. I am confident that through the support offered by all members of our community, the International School Moshi will continue to grow and thrive during the coming years. Warm regards, Bob Horton, Director
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Leaving Teachers
It is also time to say farewell to some fantastic teachers who are leaving ISM at the end of this week:

Bob Horton joined ISM as Director in 2012 and has had a massive influence on the school over the last five years. He has set himself a demanding schedule, always ensuring to spend a considerable time on our Arusha Campus as well as in Moshi, despite the lengthy drives back and forth and the pull of his family back in Moshi. He has been highly successful in setting a clear direction for the School and keeping us firmly on track. I will miss his steady and careful leadership, his sound advice and assurance, and his role as both a colleague and a friend.
Annalee Horton has been at ISM for five years and has won enormous accolades in her role as the Early Childhood teacher. She is immensely caring for the young children struggling to cope with the demands of starting school live, whilst providing them with a strong, structured curriculum that has helped all to progress and learn in those first few vital years. Another less applauded role has been the difficult one of being a Director’s wife – providing the support and encouragement needed, whilst retaining independence and professionalism in work. It is hard to understand how challenging that can be, but it is a role she has managed with great success and aplomb.
Valérie Veillon joined ISM in 2013 arriving with her husband and two children, Yann and Joshua. In her four years at the school she has demonstrated an amazing teaching ability as she excelled in meeting so many of the diverse needs of the students in her French classes. She will be warmly remembered by many for her promotion of the language and care for the students in her classes. Her support to all in the teaching team at ISM will also be sorely missed.
Ryan Sullivan is leaving Moshi Campus after having arrived here three years ago with Jocelyn (Kiongozi boarding parent) and Niall, whilst Effie has joined more recently! Ryan has worked as the school’s counsellor, as a French teacher, and more recently as the Primary PE/Sports teacher. He will most surely be remembered for the massive effort that he has put into raising the standard of our swimming team to the fantastic level that they have now reached. Ryan will be leaving his family in Moshi’s care, but will no doubt be a frequent visitor to the campus in the year ahead.
David Hagen joined ISM in 2015 and has taught many different English classes throughout the secondary school. A strong supporter of the school’s sports programme, David has coached many of our best soccer players – he has also helped significantly in CAS activities including recently chess and recycling. Although only here for two years David has made many friends and will be warmly remembered by many of his students – we wish him well next year.
We say farewell to all our leaving teachers, and look forward to welcoming the new members of our community in August – see details below.
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Farewell Picnic

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For those who wish to plan ahead, the school term and holiday dates for the 2018/19 school year are now published. Please download this calendar at
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New Handbooks

All these, and many other documents are available to download from our website publications page at
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New Teachers

There are welcome messages and more details on all our new teachers at You may need to enter a password for access. Please contact the Head of Campus for this..
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News from Primary

In class, all week, the children have been adding to their knowledge about good nutrition, exercise, the benefits of sleep etc for our Healthy Living Week. Each class has used their creativity to design informative cloth squares which will be sewn together to make a giant patchwork wall hanging for the Dining Hall – showing us all how to live healthier lifestyles. This theme week was a great initiative and will be followed by more ISM Healthy Living Weeks in the future.
The P6 class has had an especially important week. On Friday they became M1 students for the day. They had to find their way around different classrooms in the Secondary School and enjoyed meeting their new teachers. On Tuesday they also had a lesson in the Secondary French Room with visitors from Alliance Française.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents for their support this year. It has been a pleasure working with your children. We wish you all a relaxing holiday.

Reminder: Please collect and take home your child after their lessons or clubs have finished. We do not provide childcare in the afternoons. Teachers and assistants are busy with meetings and lesson preparation at this time. Children should not be left at school to roam around without supervision.
The Week Ahead: Monday – Final day of clubs Tuesday – Interhouse Cross Country Run for all P1 – P6 children (1.30 – 3pm) Wednesday – Student Reports will be published on ManageBac Thursday – Final Assembly 8.45am in Karibu Hall. Primary children go home at 10.15am. Kate Schermbrucker, Head of Primary
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P6 Ceremony

Our P6 students celebrated the end of their PYP years last Monday.

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Secondary News

On Wednesday, we have the Secondary Sports day with the houses competing in a number of sports.
Then we have the end of the year, which to me has come amazingly fast. The student reports will be released on Wednesday June 14th. On Thursday June 15th, we will have the end of year assembly followed by parent conferences. The assembly is scheduled to start at 8:45 and the conferences at 10:35.
Please remember that next year all M3-D2 students are required to have a laptop computer for their classes. Next year we start on Monday August 14th with boarders scheduled to return on Sunday August 13th. Have a good holiday Bob Cofer, Head of Secondary
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Boarding News

The school provides free transport to Kilimanjaro Airport on the scheduled closing and opening days. The school charges $60 for transport to/from Kilimanjaro International Airport on any other day. We are not able to provide transport to Arusha Airport. Boarders will return to school for the new year on Sunday, 13th August 2017.
The highlight for this weekend was the farewell Picnic for Keiron White, held on Saturday afternoon outside Karibu Hall. PTA, alumni, parents, students and staff all gathered to say goodbye in a very emotional event. It was a lovely, well attended and celebratory event, full of fun, music, dance and poetry. The boarding team will definitely miss him and we wish him well.
Every year the school advertises for partners to run the school duka. Anyone who wishes to run the duka for a year from August 2017 (including the current partners) can get in touch with the Head of Boarding, to get more details. Rosemary Bango, Head of Boarding
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Sports News

Tentative Practice Timetable: ISM Coaches 2017-2018:
On Wednesday June 14th is the last sporting event of the school year – with the Inter-House Secondary School Sports Day. This event will start promptly at 07:35 and will conclude at 14:45. All students are kindly asked to refer to the posted schedules on the Breezeway board. We look forward to a great event.
Activities As always the ISM Sports Department wants to advertise three excellent after-school activities, so please find below information regarding swimming, tennis and horseback riding.
Swimming lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced with Coach Sabini. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact Coach Sabini in person.
Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
As the year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards Scott Hibbard, (Head of Sport and Physical Education)
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Primary Sports

Many of our primary athletes traveled to Kennedy House for a spectacular day of triathlon racing, with many coming very close to the top spot. Parents and senior swimmers were involved as well, and all represented ISM honorably at the last away competition.
This Tuesday 13 June 2017, at 130pm, we will host the 1st Annual Interhouse Cross-Country Competition at ISM. All students aged P1-P6 will compete in different distances on the ISM pitches. Parents are welcome to join and encourage the runners. We will tally the points and add them together to the overall school totals.
The ISM holiday is fast approaching! It is very important to make sure all ISM primary students are getting outside and staying active! Parents are encouraged to limit screen time (time in front of the computer or television) and to encourage your child to be outside playing, in organized sport, racing, reading books, doing extra work in their subject areas, or anything that keeps their brain and body active. Healthy living week taught all of us what healthy food looks like, limiting sugary food, processed foods and sugary drinks to one or two special times during the week, and having healthy plates the rest of the time. We use the 80%/ 20% rule as a guide; if we eat 21 meals a week, that means 4 meals with a sugary or processed food and the rest of the meals without. This will keep us healthy, strong, and energized for all the different activities we do in a week!
Sadly, I will not be returning to ISM next year, as I will be in Nairobi finishing my MA in Counselling Psychology. It has been a great pleasure to work with so many rising stars! The ISM talent pool is deep; we have many excellent athletes and all of our students know how important sport it to their well-being. I will be back often to spend time with my family who is staying, and I know that the ISM sport team who will be in place next year will carry on the momentum we have gained this year. Best of luck to all of you and remember to keep fit and have fun!!!! Coach Ryan
Upcoming Dates Tue 13 June 2017 – Interhouse Cross-Country – ISM Moshi Fields – 1:30pm.
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M3 Arts Trip

Staff and students from both ISM Campuses spent an action-packed 3 days camping in the University grounds and collaborating with members of the CAC Team, to learn the traditional Tanzanian skills of tie-dyeing, drum-making, drumming and dancing.
ISM students were split into different groups, with each group led by CAC experts who not only taught our ISM students the skills and processes of their different activities, but were also able to put them into context. So, for instance the dance group learned about different types of danc