Moshi Campus News – 3 Dec 2022

Moshi Campus News – 3 December 2022


Beauty and the Beast Logo Competition Winners

Secondary Reports

Ben’s Corner

Residential Life

MYP News

Daycare Graduation

Diploma News

From the Counselors

Sports Update

PYP News

EC/P1 Class

P2/3 Class

P4/5 Class

P6 Class

Happy Holidays

This is our last newsletter before the holiday break. As you will see below this does not mean that we have slowed down one bit. Friday was a perfect example. We had a visit from Manfredo Fanti, Ambassador of the European Union to Tanzania. He spent time with our students discussing a variety of topics like EU climate funding, War in Europe, the EACOP pipeline, Post-colonialism in Africa, and African Youth Mobilization. In addition to this we had the Daycare graduation, Talent show, a Farmers’ Market and the Evening of the Arts. Not bad for a single day.

It is important to recognize that there is a lot of effort that goes into these, and the many other events, that you see below or have read about in past newsletters. This comes from many areas, some of it is very student driven like the Ambassador visit and market. Others are based on the efforts of our parents, teachers and other community members. For all of you, please accept our thanks. This campus could not offer the events and activities it does without all of your help.

As always, let me finish by wishing everyone a fantastic break. May you get to see the people you want to see; go to the places you want to go and possibly get a little rest. As well, please be safe as we look forward to seeing you and well as some new faces in January.

Classes start on Monday January 9th and we will send a small pre-return newsletter in the week before.

Bob Cofer – Head of Campus

Beauty and the Beast Logo Competition Winners

Congratulations to the following winners in the Beauty and the Beast logo design competition!

These creative entrants will have their designs included in some of the promotional materials for the production and all entries will be displayed on the board outside the MYP Art Room and on the evenings of the performance.





Disclaimer:  All entries were judged anonymously by the cast at rehearsals on Wednesday night. No cast member was allowed to judge if they had entered the competition.

We may use parts of the designs rather than the whole and designs may need to be modified slightly for print purposes….thanks for your understanding and congratulations!

Secondary Reports

Last year we investigated a new student information system to replace ManageBac, the process was complex, and the review involved a large group from both campuses. As a result of that, this year we moved to Toddle the student information system. As this semester has progressed, we have run into multiple problems with the system that has impacted both teachers and students. These issues were mostly at the secondary side. While there are some aspects of Toddle that are working well, the reporting system is still not as we would like. This will impact the secondary reports from both campuses that are issued next week. These reports will only have grades and effort marks and not the usual comments. We are hopeful this will be a one-time event and if you would like clarification on a grade, please do contact the teacher first, then if needed please follow up with a coordinator. I apologize for this and please be aware that we are doing everything we can to minimize student impact.

Bob Cofer

Ben’s Corner

As educators, observing teaching and learning in other classrooms is, arguably, the most effective way to build internal capacity. Over time, creating an environment where teachers are encouraged to ‘drop-in’ on each other’s lessons promotes peer to peer learning and feedback through collaboration and sharing best practice. At UWCEA, our teachers are invited to visit a diverse selection of their colleagues in other departments and grade levels as part of our ongoing school improvement.

All schools should be learning focused collaborative endeavours, a constant work in progress, ever changing, adapting and evolving to the needs of the student cohort. An integral part of the process of sharing good practice is a ‘learning conversation’ at the conclusion of any visit, where the teachers share timely, formative feedback which, in turn, may inform planning going forward.

At the end of another dynamic quarter, a quarter which has presented particular challenges for the teachers, I find the drop-in experience reinvigorating and motivational in equal measure. More often than not, these newsletters celebrate the ‘big ticket’ events but it is also important to recognise the countless moments of meaningful, impactful and joyful learning that happen on a daily basis…in amongst all the summatives! For me, I feel privileged to have the opportunity to observe P4/5 students unpacking population data, MYP students using thinking routines to explore global protest movements, D1 students analysing texts and exploring literary devices, D2 students exploring the notion of ‘fake news’ in French (for the whole class!) and so on. Creating a collaborative culture where teachers feel comfortable inviting each other into ‘their’ classrooms, can only have a positive impact on learning for all our students.

Ben Morley – Deputy Head of Campus

Residential Life

Our last full week in Residential Life consisted of some Christmas Joy with Kilele and Kipepeo organising their own special dinner and secret Santa gifts. In addition to this, we were surprised by our kitchen staff bringing more joy to us with their annual Christmas dinner on Thursday. Decorating the dining room, playing music and again, filling us with joy. We are forever grateful for all that they do and how hard they work with consistent smiles on their faces – Thank you.

This weekend ahead has the the talent show, evening of the arts, the Arusha trip for Mamma Mia the musical, and the famous lion hash run on Sunday. What a finish to our final full week of the year.

Thank you to all for sending me through your child’s holiday plans and for our Diploma students remaining in Tanzania, I will be reaching out to you to confirm their details.

Simon Johnston – Head of Residential Life

MYP News

As we come to the end of our second quarter and first semester come to an end, we cannot but reflect. Our MYP cohort experienced discovery, new learning and above all success stories. Learning is an ongoing cycle of inquiry, self-discovery and reflection. This is something we are keen on developing as part of our growth mindset in the MYP. Yes, the destination is important, but the journey is what gives this destination its value. 

Our MYP learners have been busy and engaged with different types of assessments and learning activities this past week. Their resilience, time management skills, grit and self-motivation were key factors in “making it work”, and they did it by practicing positive thinking and implementing study plans. I am not saying it was easy, I am pointing out that they have grown as learners one day at a time to become more self-directed and more autonomous.

In the spirit of all of the above, I invite you to look back and think of what went well and why it went well. On the other hand, I invite you to look at what did not go “so well” and why that happened. Think about how this might change to the better irrespective of time. Think about how you might evolve as MYP learners and explore situations from different perspectives to find that “one thing” to make it work the next time. We will do the same, and come back with so much more to give and learn. We are an MYP community of open-minded thinkers who are ready to take the next leap as risk-takers!

The MYP team leaves you with warmest wishes for the long break ahead. Enjoy, relax and reflect!

See you next semester.

Farah Fawaz – MYP Coordinator

Daycare Graduation

This week the daycare associated with the school had their 34th graduation. This school has students from some of our staff as well as other children in the community. The graduation was attended by myself; Deborah Mills, the PYP Coordinator; Dr Marieke and students from UWCEA that know these graduates. We congratulate the students for their hard work, the parents for their support and we thank the two teachers of the daycare that make it possible, Ms Grace and Mr Elias.

Bob Cofer

Diploma News

On Monday in mentor time the students wrote letters of gratitude. They thanked friends, teachers and support staff. Some were anonymous, some were handed over personally. I was very touched by the ones I received.

The D2 students have been doing their mock orals. It is quite intimidating to walk into Rafiki and sit alone, planning what to say. They, however, all handled it well. The few who have had issues have communicated about them. We know the experience is stressful but one of the purposes of mocks is to learn how to deal with the stress so the final examinations are easier.

Alongside the mock orals they have IA submissions, TOK interactions and summative assessments. It has been a busy semester for them but hopefully most submissions are completed and they can start to focus on preparation for the written mock examinations which will start on February 8th.

D1 students had time in Life Skills to work on their Project Week plans and hopefully they now know what they will do. They have also had summative assessments.

I have been hearing from last year’s D2 students as they arrange for current students or other members of the community to collect their Diplomas. One of them has asked her Ujafamily to collect it and ended the message with “The UWC experience is truly priceless. You get to acknowledge that even more when you’re finished with it”. It is messages like that, along with the letters from earlier in the week, that make this job so enjoyable.

Margaret Brunt – DP Coordinator

Diploma Service

The Iris service group had Monday mentor time to interact with the PYP classes (P4-P6). The aim of these workshops was to discuss topics such as introduction to identity and boundaries. Our activities included a drawing game, charades and light as a feather.

From the Counselors

College and Career Readiness

Preparing for life after secondary school takes time, exposure, and a willingness to engage in a series of activities that lead to self-discovery. This work happens throughout a young person’s academic career but starts to become more focused in high school. Our M4 students are gaining skills that will be critical for their success throughout high school, and the D2 students are finalizing their applications for the next chapter in their lives. The December break is a perfect opportunity to reflect and explore options that will help create a clearer vision of what the future could hold.

Here is a list of grade level specific ideas to ponder or work on over the break:

M4 and M5

  • Reflect on this first semester: What went well? What can be improved?
  • What new skills have been developed that have helped you succeed?
  • What would you like learn more about?
  • What ideas do you have for what you want life to look like after high school?


  • What have you learned about yourself, and how will you use this new insight to begin a successful second semester?
  • What activities will you start, stop, or continue?
  • Consider summer and specialty programs that you may want to enroll, or start seeking volunteer/internship opportunities that could enhance your skills
  • Continue to learn about colleges and universities that interest you and the programs that they offer (Also, are visits possible for you and your family?)
  • Learn about college testing and consider your plan (we will have a presentation on this in January)
  • Work on your Post-Secondary Plan


  • Finalize applications/post-secondary plan (Review the Application Checklist)
  • Submit applications or organize all materials needed to submit in the new year
  • Self-assess and get lots of rest

More ideas for each college and career readiness for each of these grade levels can be found on this website

Thank you to the D1 families who were able to participate in the College and Career Readiness presentation on Monday, or watched the recording that was shared on Tuesday. If you have not received the recording, please feel free to email me. One of the major topics of the presentation was an introduction to Maia Learning, and providing access to parents. If you have not had a chance to review the platform, or sign up for parent access, please see the links below for more information:

Link to Maia Learning Overview.

Maia Learning website.

Link to sign up for parent access to Maia Learning (D1 and D2 parents only): 

UPCOMING College and University Events

15 December: 5:45 PM EAT F-1 Student Visa and Enrollment in the US – Part of the 15 on the 15th series by fifteen liberal arts colleges in the US (ten of the 15 are UWC Davis Scholar partner institutions) Link to register: 

Keep exploring options and enjoying the journey.

Andrea Kitomary – Moshi University Counselor

Cassandra Ford – Arusha University Counselor

Sports Update

It has been a tremendously exciting semester full of clubs and sports events across all grade levels! We are pleased to see students growing and developing in areas they are interested in.  Many thanks to all the teachers, parents and the community members who have been part of the After School Program making it an enjoyable learning journey for students.

We are currently working on the second-semester clubs’ schedule and timetable. The new signups will be shared in due course once all information is finalized. If you would like to offer any club, please contact me at

Kindly note that primary clubs finished this past week. We are looking forward to an exciting new semester! Please email me if you are willing to offer an after school club (2-3pm) next semester. We are particularly keen to organise some clubs for our youngest learners in EC and P1.

Mostafa Rihan – Sports & Activities Coordinator

PYP News

There are no after school clubs this week. Please email Mostafa Rihan if you are willing to offer a club for PYP children next quarter. We are particularly keen to run some clubs for our EC and P1 children but this will only happen if people volunteer to lead an activity.

End of semester reports will be available on Toddle on Tuesday. Our assessment criteria are as follows:

We have Parent-Teacher conferences scheduled for Wednesday. Please sign up on Meet the Teacher. Ms. Katho and Ms. Linda would like to have conferences with some parents and have sent a separate email.  If you have difficulty signing up for a conference, please contact Agnes on reception ( Conference sign ups will close on Monday evening.

We do not set home learning for the break. However, in order to keep skills sharp, it would be very beneficial for your child(ren) to read regularly over the break, speak English, French and Swahili and play maths games. Each class teacher will have their own suggestions of what can be done and you can discuss this at the conferences.

The Talent Show on Friday was a big success and it was great to see some PYP performers. Well done to Jack, Micaiah and Ida. All PYP children had art on display at the Evening of the Arts. It was a fabulous Exhibition from PYP to DP and included our model buildings, balloon safari pictures, volcanoes and kinetic art.

We will have our final Primary Gathering in Rafiki Hall at 7:40 on Thursday. Classes will end at 1:10pm on this day. Look out for an email from your child’s teacher detailing any end of semester class celebrations. The PYP team wishes you an enjoyable break. We look forward to seeing the children on Monday, 9th January.

Dates for your diary for next semester:

  • 2nd and 3rd February – Beauty and the Beast performances
  • 24th – 27th February – long weekend
  • 4th March – International Day
  • 16th March – PYP Exhibition (P6 class)

This is not an exhaustive list – dates may change and new events may be added so please keep checking the calendar for updates:

Deborah Mills – PYP Coordinator

EC/P1 Class

The children worked hard on their buildings. They were able to share these with the rest of the school during the Evening of the Arts. They were very excited and proud of their work. If you were not able to see their city, we will keep it for the coming week in the classroom for you to view and talk through it with them.

As we come to the end of the semester, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you Happy Holidays and Peace. We hope to see you in January for another semester of growth and wonder.

Mboka Mwasongwe

P2/3 Class

It was a busy week with a fun focus on creative writing! We have spent a lot of time talking about the importance of imagination. Our new unit will give us many chances to create and enjoy fun stories. We started a story after first thinking about how to introduce a story before jumping into the action. The class is doing so well and excited about stretching out their stories. We also had lots of giggles with Dr Seuss books. The photo shows children drawing pictures of our beautiful campus.

I look forward to time with parents on Wednesday. Please remember to sign up for a slot.

The children are interested in having an end of the semester celebration on Thursday. I will email details but it would be nice to have students bring in snacks to share!

Kacey Buckley

P4/5 Class

We have two lovely new displays on the breezeway – “The Great Wave of Kanagawa” inspired art looks very impressive and the writing about inspirational men has provoked a lot of interest from passers by. I hope you will enjoy looking at both displays when you visit campus for conferences on Wednesday. Please sign up on Meet the Teacher. Conference sign ups will close on Monday evening.

This past week, the children have started looking at the features of persuasive writing.  They have been finishing off a weaving project and working on multiplication and division. Next week we will continue with these activities as well as enjoying some end of Semester celebrations.

Deborah Mills

P6 Class

The end of the penultimate week of the semester and P6 are ploughing on. In maths, we’ve been learning the vocabulary of fractions and finding equivalent fractions to complete a puzzle and play a game too. In language, we extended our knowledge of genres in writing and looked at three different types of story openers. Next week, they will extend one of these in free writing. For our unit, they started the week creating electrical circuits with Ms Kerri, head of the secondary science department, including bulbs, buzzers and switches. Then they used that knowledge to design and start making self-powered vehicles. This will continue next week to testing our vehicles but, as seen in the picture, there is one working vehicle already. Our motto this week was ‘Be an upstander’. We enjoyed an action-filled drama production by M2 that led to a good discussion about standing up and being principled. We also saw a drama performance by M1 and many of P6 are now looking forward to Drama in MYP. P6’s art was on show at the Evening of the Arts. I hope to speak to as many parents as possible for the Teacher Conferences next Wednesday.

Hywel Davies