Dear Parents,
This weekend our M1 students have taken part in the Outdoor Pursuits Camp Craft trip to Marangu and we hope they will return enthused to join many more OP trips in future. Last week we welcomed some secondary parents to an evening to introduce the MYP and Diploma programmes (see below) and we also held our first Parent Association meeting. Last Monday we had a very successful assembly to introduce the house system at ISM and build support for Kibo, Mawenzi and Meru.
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Primary News
 We very much enjoyed the Primary Gathering on Friday when the P6 students reminded us about the IB learner profile attributes and what they mean. The P5 Class also did an excellent job of MCing our gathering and appeared confident using the microphone in front of an audience. This week we began to give out our celebratory leaves. Teachers award these leaves to students who have modelled behaviour from the learner profile, the PYP attitudes or who have carried out an action. The leaves are then added to the primary tree which appears to grow and flourish throughout the year. We also introduced the children to the nurse and the primary boarding parents. Each time we have Primary Gathering we will introduce them to a few different members of the staff who are here to look after them in one way or another. Over time the children will become familiar with all the adults on campus and their jobs.
Please could we ask parents to ensure that their child’s hat, water bottle and snack boxes are named as these are the kinds of items which can be left out and about. It is much easier to return them to their rightful owners if they are labelled.
Unfortunately there are some cases of head lice in the school. Please read the information sheet at carefully, check your child’s head and follow the treatment procedure if lice are detected. If all cases are treated, this will cut down on the prevalence of lice in the school. Students with long hair should have it tied up to avoid head-to-head contamination.
 We have now completed three weeks of teaching and the classes are starting to get deeper into their units of inquiry. If you wish to know the details of their units, do take a look at the large red unit board located outside Room 16 (P6 Classroom). There is one poster for each class which describes the units. We would encourage you to ask your child questions about the unit work they have been doing in lessons. You are, of course, welcome to discuss the units with the class teachers or myself.
Kate Schermbrucker, (Head of Primary)
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Secondary News
  We are now three weeks into the school year and things are in full swing for Secondary students. For the D1 and D2 students, Daryl Rustad, our university counselor, met with them in groups and individually to discuss the processes and answer any questions. For the M1 students, they had the opportunity to go on the first OP trip this weekend and next weekend we will have our first sports trip.
This also means that the homework load for students is now in full swing. ISM has guidelines for the amount of time students in M5 to D2 spend on homework and a specific planned schedule for students in M1-M4. The productive use of time is a learned behavior as are good study skills. As we work with students to develop these skills and behaviors, I ask for your support in this process by asking your children about their assignments, the deadlines and expectations. Also talk with them about their study environment and the way they use their time. I thank you for your help with this.
As a parent you should already have a ManageBac login which will allow you access to the system and the ability to get more information about the work they are doing and the results of that work. You can find your child’s homework schedule and his/her school timetable on ManageBac as well as details on the teaching in each class. If you have not yet received a log-in for ManageBac, please request this from
On a final note, thank you to the parents that attended the MYP & DP Parents’ evening last Thursday. For those of you that were unable to attend, some information from the presentation is available on the school website at
Bob Cofer (Head of Secondary)
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Boarding News
  The third week went well. Boarders have started forming positive relationships that help them to live together in the community. They have got used to the boarding routine and are generally happy.
A number of activities were planned for the weekend, among them a trip to Moshi town. These are weekly trips that allow Secondary boarders to visit Moshi town. The M1-M4 trips are supervised, while the M5 to D2 trip is unsupervised. M1 Students left for an OP trip to Marangu on Saturday 27th and come back on Sunday 28th. The remaining boarders have several activities planned including sports and fun activities. We appreciate those parents who have already sent Parent Consent forms as requested. We continue to remind those who have not done so to so this as soon as possible.
Our dining hall menus are structured around a four week rotation – if you wish to see the weekly menus, these can be downloaded from the school website here: Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4.
Rosemary Bango, (Head of Boarding)
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Sports News
Sports practices are going great, and watching the various practices on a daily basis has been exciting for me. I am really pleased with the direction our program is going. Keep up the good work, students and coaches.
On Monday August 22nd we hosted our first House Spirit Assembly. This assembly emphasized the importance of the House System at ISM and instilled the “culture”. What great spirit was shown from students and teachers as they participated in a House Quiz, Spirit Activity and Spirit Yell. The primary students also participated in a house T-shirt contest. Results are below.
Primary School Only Competition: Wearing House T-Shirts
1st Place: Mawenzi (34), Meru (34), 3rd Place: Kibo (32)
Whole School Competition: House Quiz
1st Place: Kibo (100), 2nd Place: Meru (75), 3rd Place: Mawenzi (50)
Spirit Activity #1: Toilet Paper Race
1st Place: Meru (100), Kibo (100), 3rd Place: Mawenzi (75)
Spirit Activity #2: Spirit Yell
1st Place: Meru (100), 2nd Place: Mawenzi (75), 3rd Place: Kibo (50)
1st Place: Meru 309
2nd Place: Kibo 282
3rd Place: Mawenzi 234
It is our endeavor to improve the House System at ISM, so that it can create competition, promote teamwork and bring everyone in the school community together. Keep yourself posted for the next ISM House News next newsletter.
As mentioned in last week’s newsletter all secondary students must participate in at least one sport during Season 1. The sign-up process has now closed, and those students who have not signed up have been sent an email, in which they must respond to by Monday August 28th to me directly, if not restrictions can be imposed to those respective students.
As always keep up to date with the NTAA Schedule of Events, please click here to view the Friendly and NTAA Schedule of Events:
Our first sporting fixture of the year is fast approaching and it is on Saturday, September 3rd. Our U15 Boys and Girls Basketball teams, as well as our U19 Boys and Girls Football teams will be traveling and participating in the Orkeeswa School Friendly Tournament. Those students who have been selected have been informed by the coaches and here is a link of important travel information:’s wish our teams luck!
Thank you to those students who attended the meeting regarding the start-up of the ISM Athletics Program (Track and Field) In the next few days our coach will provide more information.
Tennis Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players with Coach Charles have started. Those students and parents who are interested in arranging lessons are kindly requested to contact him at 0757606766.
Horse riding is also available and those interested need to contact Mr Priva at 0758053280 for more information regarding times, prices and requirements.
As the season and year progresses please keep up with all the info, news, and sports reports by reading the Moshi Campus News.
Go Leopards!
Scott Hibbard, (Head of Sport and Physical Education)
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Swimming News
  We are entering Week 3 of training, with all of the Jr. Varsity (PYP) and Varsity (MYP, DP) swimmers finding their way to our four morning workouts, and one Saturday workout. Training has been focused on specific strokes for a week at a time; we have completed freestyle and butterfly, and are now starting a combined backstroke/ breaststroke week.
Swimmers trying out for the team are as follows: Alicia, Sanne, Sally, Lianne, Joshua B, Chris F, Silipa, Thompson, Shawn, Oshin, Susanne W, Christin W, Nandi, Laura D, Sil, Emily H, Joanna (primary), Ashraf
To make the team, these swimmers must:
- attend all workouts scheduled in consultation with Coach Ryan;
- write all workouts in their swimming log book;
- arrive to workout on time, with all equipment: fins, paddles, goggles, cap, water bottle, towel, PE kit;
- contact Coach Ryan about any missed workout, on the same day;
- contribute positively to the team atmosphere; and,
- commit to improving their swimming skills.
Any swimmer listed above who does not have fins/ paddles/ cap should have their parents contact Coach Ryan as soon as possible. Nairobi Sports House in Kenya is currently having a sale where products can be purchased at a significant discount.
Upcoming Swim Meets/ Events
Sat 10 Sept 2016 – Rotary Triathlon – ISMAC – participation optional
Sat 1 Oct 2016 – Secondary Swim Meet – Moshi Campus
Tentative – Sun 16 Oct or Mon 17 Oct – British Olympic Swimmers Guest Clinic – Moshi Campus – US$125/ swimmer
Fri 28 Oct 2016 – Mon 30 Oct 2016 – Kenyan Short Course National Championships – Mombasa – cost TBA
Ryan Sullivan (Swimming Coach)
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New Swim Suits
  We how have new ISM swim suits that will be available for sale from the reception in school from next week. They are black with orange logos and are available as a girl’s all-in-one swim suit or a boy’s jammer. The price is TSh 50,000/- for girls and TSh 45,000/- for boys. Those representing ISM school teams will need to buy these swim suits. We hope many other swimmers will also wish to do so.
Thanks to our Arusha Campus models, pictured left!
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 In cooperation with ISM, the Rotary Club will be holding a fund-raising Triathlon event at ISM Arusha Campus on Saturday, September 10th. For further details on how to enter for this event, see
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Primary PE & Sports
  These are exciting times for primary sports at ISM Moshi Campus.
All of the primary sports clubs have begun, with large numbers of student-athletes participating in their chosen sport. A reminder to all parents that the current sports align with the sports offered by the NTAA (Northern Tanzanian Athletic Association) this season. Teams traveling to schools in the Kilimanjaro region will be selected from the students who are practising regularly with the squad. Attendance is taken at each practice and will be used to determine eligibility for away competitions. A reminder that students must wear sport shoes, a hat, and bring a water bottle to all sport activities for safety reasons. Kindly save sandals or crocks for other activities.
Upcoming Competitions Include:
Wed 21 Sept 2016 – Primary Rounders – Kennedy House (away) – Afternoon Friendly
Sat 24 Sept 2016 – Primary Football – ISMAC (away) – Day Tournament
Tue 27 Sept 2016 – Primary Athletics – Moshi Campus (home)
Sat 1 Oct 2016 – Primary Rounders – ISMAC (away)
The primary coaching team has been very impressed with the level of engagement from all students so far this year. Keep it up!!
Ryan Sullivan (Primary PE/Sports Teacher)
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Secondary Science
 D2 students were using models to make and name different isomers of organic compounds | Science lessons are in full swing at ISM once again and students are questioning, researching and experimenting in the quest for knowledge. M1 students are exploring the Scientific method and discovering how they can apply it to answer their ‘burning’ questions and some about rockets, acids, flowers and medicine too. |
M4 Physicists are discovering the power of the Kinetic theory of matter to explain pretty much everything; a favourite of Richard Feynman who felt that “If all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed” then he would choose the ‘Atomic Hypothesis’ to be the one thing to be passed on to future generations. |  More models in M5 |
 Tricky things, these atoms! | M5 are exploring the even tinier realm of subatomic particles and the Nucleus; a topic also being investigated by the D1 students. All of the Diploma students are working on their practical skills with a view to excelling in their internal Assessments which will comprise 20% of their final grade. With the D2s soon to decide on their topics now is the time to be thinking of their own burning questions – perhaps the M1 students could help them with some ideas? Jonathan Bowen (Head of Science) |
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English Language & Literature
  The MYP English Language and Literature groups have started this academic year by re-orientating themselves within the MYP programme, looking at key concepts, related concepts, global contexts and the learner profile, both in English and in relation to other subjects.
They are now moving on to their first texts. For example: the novel “Skellig”, by David Almond in M3, the short story “Through the Tunnel”, by Doris Lessing, in M4 and “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding, in M5. In addition, the M5s will look towards the Theory of Knowledge DP programme by reflecting on English in relation to other subject areas.
The D1 higher level English literature group have started their course by considering the nature and purpose of literary study and by looking at their first poems as part of the development of key literary analytical skills: “In the Ashtray” by Vasko Popa, “One Art”, by Elizabeth Bishop and “Storm” by Peter Redgrove.
  At D2 level, the standard level English literature group have continued their course by reading “The Cherry Orchard” by Anton Checkov, watching videos of alternative versions of the play and preparing their own performances of chosen scenes.
At all times, the aim in English studies at ISM is to stimulate, to engage, to inform and to inspire.
Joe Wright (Head of Language & Literature)
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Quadruplets: KCMC Appeal
  A set of quadruplets and another set of triplets were recently born in KCMC and their families have great difficulty in providing for them. KCMC is appealing for baby clothes, nappies (diapers), and baby formula for these families and others with similar financial constraints. If you have items that you can donate, please bring them in a bag and hand them in at the ISM Reception. We will collect and give to KCMC.
Photo © Collin Smith:
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PA Picnic
  Originally scheduled for this weekend, the PA event to welcome new families to Moshi has been postponed for a couple of weeks. We will announce the new date and venue once this is confirmed.
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Outdoor Pursuits
  Our Outdoor Pursuits programme for this semester was announced last week and we have a fantastic range of trips available to our secondary students. Students (and the teachers who accompany them) must progress through the various levels starting with a level 1 trip and continuing upwards. We also hold a special Camp Craft trip for M1 students as an introductory trip to give them a taste of the programme before they join a Level 1 trip. All trips are accompanied by teachers and guides and are charged at cost price to the school. As parents will know, VAT was recently added to all National Park fees, so trips within the national parks have now risen in cost because of this. The differing prices for Tanzanian and expatriate students reflect differing charges from the National Parks.
Please do encourage your son/daughter to take this great opportunity to experience the wonderful environment here in Tanzania. Our trips for this semester are as follows:
Trip | Level | Dates | For: |
Pare Mountains | 1b | September 17-18 | M2-D2 (starting level for new students in these classes) |
Ngorongoro | 4 | Sep 28 – Oct 2 | M2-D1: This hiking and camping trip in the Ngorongoro area is not at altitude, but is demanding and is recommended for older students who have successfully completed Level 3. |
Uhuru Peak | 5 | October 20-25 | Only for students over the age of 16 who have successfully completed level 4. |
Mandara Hut | 1 | November 5-6 | M1 students who have successfully completed campcraft, and other beginners in M2-D2 who are new to the programme |
Usambara Mountains | 2 | November 10-13 | M2-D2 students who have completed level 1, and M1 students who have completed level 1 and 1b |
Base of Mawenzi | 3 | November 19-22 | Students over 16 years who have successfully completed level 2 |
Socialist Peak | 4 | December 2-5 | Students over 16 years who have successfully completed level 3 |
Current trip costs in TSh are as follows depending on nationality and age. Day students will also need to pay an additional amount for food.
Trip | Tanzanians | Non-Tanzanians | Food |
| U16 | 16+ | U16 | 16+ | day students add: |
Pare Mountains | 115,000 | 115,000 | 115,000 | 115,000 | 14,000 |
Ngorongoro | 540,000 | 559,000 | 919,000 | 1,281,000 | 62,000 |
Uhuru Peak | – | 826,000 | – | 1,705,000 | 70,000 |
Mandara Hut | 108,000 | 129,000 | 306,000 | 306,000 | 14,000 |
Usambara Mountains | 217,000 | 217,000 | 217,000 | 217,000 | 48,000 |
Base of Mawenzi | – | 432,000 | – | 984,000 | 42,000 |
Socialist Peak | – | 286,000 | – | 633,000 | 42,000 |
Please note that due to the health risks of younger children climbing at altitude, we do not allow students under the age of 16 years to ascend above 4000m.
Students can sign-up for trips online at Students will also need to make payment for their trip in order to reserve their place. Payments can be made in cash at our accounts office, through the school’s regular bank account (please email a paying-in slip), or via MPesa on 0767534766 (please also send an SMS message to confirm), or through PayPal payment to (please add 8% to cover all charges and costs).
Isaac Foya, (OP Coordinator)
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University Planning
This is a reminder that we will be hosting the UK University Fair on Tuesday, September 13th (date changed from earlier announcement).
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An Evening of Elephants & Bees
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Diploma Updates
- D1 subject course selections have been largely finalized. The drop-add period for shifting courses concludes on about September 12th.
- DP parents are encouraged to utilize ManageBac fully by logging on regularly to observe the curriculum course of study and assessment grades.
- Collaborative work remains a key element of DP subject teaching as evident in ISM DP classes on a regular basis.
- The end-of-first quarter parent-teacher meeting date/time is set and DP parental attendance would be invaluable. Please try to make it. Friday Oct 7th at 10:35am.
- Thursday eve Aug 25th DPC’s presentation to parents included this information (see above).
Key Dates:
D2 students continue working on the draft of the 4,000-word Extended Essay that is due on Monday September 5th. Thereafter, supervisors will provide feedback and the EE final version will be submitted on November 1st.
Reminder to DP Parents:
Again, feel free to contact me should you have any questions or concerns about your child’s education in the ISM Diploma Program.
Rick Fitzpatrick, (Diploma Coordinator):
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Early Childhood Preview
  Last week we made a class book about what makes us special; what each child thinks they are really good at. This book will be in our reading corner and you are very welcome to come in and read it with your child one morning at drop off. Next week the children will focus on similarities and differences between families. Please could you send in a family photo so that the children can talk about who is in their family. This photo will remain at school for the rest of the quarter and be put in your child’s museum space.   Please send a big cardboard box into school next week for your child to decorate for their class museum space.
The letter sounds d made by Dippy Duck and h made by Harry Hat Man will be introduced next week to the new children and EC1s. EC2 children will continue to focus on finding out about word families with the short a sound such as rat, cat, bat and can, man, fan. We will read the Gingerbread Man and focus on retelling this story together.
The children will compare the number of people in their family and use mathematical vocabulary such as more than, less than and the same. They will continue to work on sorting activities and graphing as well as number at their own level; counting, recognizing numbers, writing numbers (if developmentally appropriate) comparing numbers and estimating quantities.
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P1/2 Preview
Information for Parents
This Friday we had a beautiful gathering with leaves presented to students who demonstrated remarkable attitudes and behaviour. We are proud of Yann for being a Caring person, Vicky for being a Thinker and Walter for being a Risk taker. Well done!
  A quick reminder: ‘Show and Tell’ sessions are held twice a week (on Wednesdays and Fridays). Please check the table on the left for your child’s scheduled day.
Please encourage your children to bring in Unit of Inquiry related objects (toys, books, art and crafts).
Unit of Inquiry: Who we are: ‘The rainbow fish’
This week we read and discussed some amazing books including ‘The rainbow fish’. The children used water and finger paint to create their favourite character. They also learnt lines from the story to take part in our ‘Puppet theatre’.
 This week we also discussed the role and the importance of families, different kind of families and compared human families to animals. The children demonstrated brilliant thinking skills.
The children practised forming the numbers correctly in using fun memory games. They also enjoyed thinking about direction brainstorming different words, e.g. left, right, sideways, up and down. Rhea also came up with north, south, east and west. They had to direct, first a monster around a course and then Miss Kate around the classroom, using these words.
We revised the sounds: ‘i’, ‘n’, ‘m’ and ‘d’, practising correct letter formations and making creative sound related crafts. The older children used the magnetic letters to form as many words as possible and then writing sentences with these words. We are learning about how to make our stories more interesting using adjectives.
What to bring to school every day:
A hat, a water bottle and a healthy snack.
Indoor shoes please!!
The Week Ahead:
Monday: PE lesson | Homework will be sent home (due in on Friday) | Primary clubs.
Tuesday: Library books
 Wednesday: ‘Show and Tell’ for group 1
Thursday: PE lesson
Friday: Homework due in | ‘Show and Tell’ for group 2
Have a fantastic week ahead!
Ms Andrea
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P2/3 Preview
  Thank you to all the P2/3 parents who have volunteered to help out throughout the school year either as a class reading buddy, field trip chaperone or a sharer in one of our units. If you would still like to volunteer, please feel free to email me or send in the completed parent volunteer letter.
This week our class have been budding scientists during our ‘Who we are ‘unit. They inquired into different way germs can spread and how we can prevent spreading germs. They became extremely knowledgeable on the prevention of spreading germs and showed this in many ways.
Class Action:
- Coughing into our arm or elbow crease
- Washing our hands before eating and after going to the bathroom
- Making sure that objects we shared in class were not put into mouths etc.
- Keeping our fingers out of noses
All these things to make our class a clean learning place.
 This week in class:
POI – The children carried out two experiments to demonstrate how easily germs can spread and the importance of clean cut or wound. They made a hypothesis, recorded observations and discussed their findings as a class. They demonstrated what respectful listeners they are and learned a lot from each other.
Math – The students have been working collecting information in a variety of ways, representing the data and interpreting. They looked into which food group most people liked to eat in class. The children were very creative in the way in which they chose to show their findings and were very confident in explaining what was accomplished.
Writing – The children worked on explaining their daily routines. They came up with a variety of ways to show this information from journal writing to a daily routine map. The class took turns to share this information with a partner and then compare their routines to look for similarities and differences.
Reading – The class are becoming more responsible for their home readers and selecting ‘Just right’ reading books to take home. They are working on different strategies for sounding out ‘Tricky words’. They are also becoming more aware of how to read with intonation to add more meaning to their reading and not just word for word.
The Week Ahead:
Monday: Homework will be sent home (returned by Friday). If children have any questions about their homework they are encouraged to come and ask me. Home readers should be brought to school and returned home every day. Please note the children are making their own decisions on whether they are ready to change their book.
Tuesday: Library Day | PE – Please ensure your child has the proper PE Kit, sport shoes, shorts, house shirt (No jeans)
Wednesday: Homework folder and Home reader
Thursday: Homework folder and Home reader
Friday: PE | Home work to be returned.
The Week Ahead in the Classroom:
Unit of Inquiry: People make choices that affect their well-being
Line of Inquiry: Consequences of choices
Key Concepts: Causation – We will be using Fables to understand that what we do and the choices we make have consequences.
Useful websites –
Math: Continue number work (fact families, double facts, facts to ten) – Introducing math games for place value (tens and ones). Reading and interpreting a variety of graphs.
Language: Interview questions about healthy living. What makes a good question?
We will continue our work on ‘th’ reading and writing these words. Another focus will be short a vowel sound and word families associated with it (at, ap, ag etc). Some children will work on long a (with magic e ) as in made. I will also continue to have a focus on ‘ when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking’, as in paid.
Please note that homework might vary from child to child based on their learning needs and style. In the next couple of weeks, I will be sending home some focus words. These will be words to practice reading and spelling. They maybe sight words (ones we should be reading, high frequency words (ones we spell daily in our writing or unit words).
Enjoy your weekend
Clare Hibbard P2/3
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P4/5 Preview
  This past week we have had lots of fun in P4/5. In the ICT room, we created a circle of a Rights and Responsibility graphic as a way to express our growing understanding of these concepts (see some samples below). We also stretched our IT skills by inserting images/words in and layering these ourselves.
  In Language we began writing ‘I AM’ poetry and have started to used this framework to write from the perspective of children with different rights around the world. We will carry this work on in the week ahead by combining this with our science investigation (fingerprinting/genetics) with art and language to create a beautiful piece of personalized art work.
  In UofI: We were especially lucky this week to have a visit from a real doctor (Pippa’s mom) who talked to us about our right to health care and our responsibility to take care of our bodies.
Maths (UofI): Next week we will continue looking at the world as a Village of 100 and comparing statistics and beginning to conceptualize what a percentage is. We will also be reviewing basic fractions and understanding these as parts of a whole. Want to reinforce maths concepts covered recently?
Julie Bowen, (P4/5 Teacher)
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P5 Preview
  In Friday’s Primary Gathering some of the P5 students were MCs. They planned their contributions themselves and did a great job of delivering their lines. Well done!
Hugo celebrated his birthday this week. Many thanks to Marieke for sending in some delicious cinnamon rolls.
Maths: We have continued our work on place value, rounding and coordinates. Next week we will look at distances and measurement and work with metres and kilometres.
IT: We used the map work from last homework’s activity to identify countries on We then researched the distances between Moshi and the different places around the world where we or family members have lived. We will use these measurements next week to further our work on rounding numbers.
 UOI: We sorted reasons for migrating into push factors and pull factors (reasons that make people want to leave one region and reasons that make another region attractive.) We discussed the different ways we could inquire into where and why people migrate (books, movies, interviews, internet.) As a class we have modelled these different methods of inquiring and have been researching Mo Farah (a Somali immigrant to the UK) who recently won 2 gold medals in the Rio Olympics. Next week we will continue with this research and also start to write migration stories based on the interviews carried out for homework last week.
Language Arts: We have completed our self portraits and will link these drawings to a poetry writing activity about ourselves and our identities next week. We will also consider the main features of biography writing and apply this to our migration stories.
Guest Speakers Needed: Please let me know if you are willing to come to class to talk to the children about your own experiences of migration. It can be as simple as explaining why you live in Moshi, what caused you to leave your home region, and how that migration has affected you. Don’t be shy – we would love to hear from you!
The week ahead:
Monday: Bring library books back to school – the library bags are ready to give to the children. Take home the homework packet.
Tuesday: PE
Friday: Swimming and return homework to school
Deborah Mills, (P5 Teacher)
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P6 Preview

The P6s led the Primary Gathering and did a fantastic job! They shared their understanding of IB Learner Profile attributes and proudly showed posters they had made for their class.
In our unit of Inquiry, students will be looking at the impact human migration has on communities. We will be focusing on how individuals maintain their identity and culture, positive and negative effects human migration has on the economy of countries as well assimilation issues.
As we look at the Unit of Inquiry through Language Arts, we will be looking at biographies and memoirs of some famous individuals, watching documentaries and coming up with different scenarios for role-plays. Students continue to work on their personal narratives.
In Math, we continue with our measuring unit- measuring, converting, area and perimeter.
Gentle reminders:
Bring a hat, a healthy snack and a water bottle everyday. (Kindly label your child’s snack box and other belongings. This will help us identify their items if mislaid around the school.)
Monday: Library- remember to return the borrowed books
Tuesday: French and Music
Wednesday: P.E. (wear your P.E. shoes and House T-shirt, carry your hat and a water bottle) | French and Swahili
Thursday: Music
Friday: Swahili and Swimming (ensure you have your swimming costume, towel and flip flops)
Cathy Wambua, (P6 Teacher)
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International School Moshi
PO Box 733 Moshi, Tanzania
Tel: +255 27 2755005
Fax: +255 736 605320
Mobile: +255 767 534766 |