| Arusha Campus Newsletter Friday 7th October 2022 |  | | | | Dear Parents |  | | PYP Inter-house games this week – imahges above and top! We have arrived at the end of our first quarter of 2022/23. A super accomplishment. Well done everyone, have a very pleasant holiday! We re-open again on Monday 17th October Phil | | PYP News |  | | P4/5 make inclined planes and wedges as part of their unit on simple machines. What a great first quarter, so many amazing activities and learning! From whole primary Share Times, Sports days, end of unit celebrations and in class activities. This last week has been full too with the 3 Way Conferences and student council event. The 3 way conferences are important to share goals and achievements for the students with the parents and teachers. Hearing the students own thoughts about their learning is beneficial to understanding their confidence and needs. Over the holiday please encourage your child to read for enjoyment. Reading is one of the most important skills we can give a child. Read to your child, with your child and next to your child. This quarter the Student Council organised an event for primary school. This was a fantastic morning of games including paper planes, pentangue, musical chairs, dodgeball, football, and many more. Thank you very much to our student council and Mr Ali. Amanda’s usual column is a bit shorter this week……..while she climbs Kilimanjaro as the female teacher on our Level 5 Peaks trip which set off yesterday and hopes to summit on Sunday! Best of luck! Amanda | | From the MYP |  | | The Performance Area was transformed (see image above) into a large meeting hall on Tuesday, thank you to all who joined! Quarter 1 traditionally ends with our 3-Way Conferences, which bring students, parents and subjects teachers together in reflecting on student progress and setting of goals. Every quarter provides an opportunity to reflect and share feedback on student learning and achievement. Semester reports will be sent home at the end of Q3 and Q4 which include subject grades, comments and focus on ATL skill development. Student-led conferences take place in Q3 where students have the opportunity to share what they are learning with their parents. Anoek | | Residential Life |  | | Baobab Boma (above) signing off this quarter. As I look back on the quarter in Residential Life, I am in awe of what we have achieved, overcome and learned. What we have achieved in adversity, challenges and seen students from all background reach success in a multiple of area. We have overcome new perspectives and embraced new surroundings and we have learned about new cultures. Most of all we have enjoyed the opportunities of what our “new home away from home” has offered us. ‘Recognise and critically engage with multiple perspectives and to foster a safe, collaborative and caring community.’ This quarte has embodied every aspect of which these statements entail. We have faced whether it be socially, emotionally, mentally, and physically, our residential quarter has critically engaged with everyone on a holistic level. It is not easy being in Residential Life and being so far away from home. In my position I often reflect on what it means to be a residential student and importantly, a residential parent. We take on the role as ‘de facto’ parents and such responsibility is never taken lightly. For us, we must engage in students’ lives. We must get to know the individual, understand each and everyone’s background and foster an environment in which one feels safe, comfortable and feels at home away from home. We have had our trials and tribulations and I cannot thank our students enough for firstly taking on the challenge to move abroad, but secondly to embrace their environment and respect their peers. Take a moment to breathe, enjoy the break, refresh and recharge and return ready to engage in the quarter ahead, support one another and be grateful for the opportunity this beautiful country offers and everything that our campus possesses. To ALL in our residential community. Have a safe a treasured break Herman Kruger – Head of Residential Life | | DP Corner |  | | Mr Takeh Sendze, Legal Officer in the Office of the Prosecutor in the United Nations speaks at Arusha Camous earlier this week. And it’s a wrap: Quarter 1 is over, bring it on Quarter 2! Although I am sure we will all appreciate the break in between after an extremely busy quarter, with events having taken place almost every week. The D2 students have been laboring away throughout the quarter to meet various deadlines, and some will be using the break to catch up on more work, while others are climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. The D1 students have been navigating between the demands of each of their DP courses, making some subject changes to find the perfect balance between their abilities and the requirements of a potential future career. Students will not be able to change subjects after the October break, unless the move is recommended by the teacher. However, there is still flexibility to move between standard and higher level within a subject. Two weeks ago, our campus hosted a Model United Nations (MUN) conference, which was a great success, thanks to a very dynamic MUN committee created by Olivia, Irem and Avinash in D2. Well done to them and a huge thank you to Mr Takeh Sendze, our Opening Ceremony guest speaker, who came to share his experience as a Legal Officer in the Office of the Prosecutor in the United Nations with our students. Here are some comments from members of the MUN committee: We would have never believed that this conference would become such a success during the planning stages 6 months ago. Over the course of this past weekend, we were able to experience many delightful youths from around Tanzania participating in our campus’ first UWC East Africa Model United Nations Conference! Many thoughtful debates, negotiations and resolutions took place, all under the theme of UWC Day: ‘Peace Begins With Us.’ A big thank you to everyone who helped us work towards making this vision a significant success and soon to be an annual event as our legacy project! Nathalie | | Community Painting |  | | The MYP students at UWC East Africa Arusha campus came together (see image anove) to create a community painting celebrating 60 years of UWC. The idea of Education for peace was beautifully depicted by each student on the large canvas. Collaboration, teamwork, communication and sharing were the essential learnings the students identified during the reflection from this creative activity. One of the finished masterpieces is displayed below. | | Environmental Committee Newsletter |  | | | | |  | | | | Add a title |  | | Olivia Sayani, D2 and Irem Ciftci, D2 UWCEA MUN 2022 Co-Secretary Generals “Chairing the WHO was so much fun! Alongside my co-chair Aika from Moshi campus, we were able to collaborate together to make this beginners committee a success. We were given the topic of global health inequity with special emphasis on pharmaceutical production. From logistics control to foreign policy making, it was amazing to hear these resolutions come to life. As chairs, we were very impressed by the delegates’ critical thinking, interactivity, and collaborative skills, considering that this was their first time doing MUN. Overall, this was such an amazing experience and I can’t wait for next year’s UWCEA MUN!” Ranaa, D1 UWCEA MUN 2022 Chair of the World Health Organisation committee Two weeks ago, UWCEA Arusha Campus hosted its first Model United Conference and it was a massive success! Not only did delegates have an opportunity to socialize with change-oriented students from across the Arusha region, but they also discussed pertinent global issues and proposed specific solutions. In the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), seven delegates discussed the situation in Ukraine and successfully negotiated a withdrawal of Russian troops from the Eastern Regions. The African Union (AU) addressed the need for mechanisms towards democratization with special emphasis on military coups. Having observed this committee, I was really impressed at the dialogue concerning international accountability systems and whether they should be at the regional or continental level. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) analyzed ‘Big-Tech’ giants and touched on the need for anti–trust regulation in developing nations. The Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM) looked at the state of refugee camps. Some delegates recognized the hypocrisy of the European Union on this issue while others pointed out the need for the protection of refugee pathways. In the World Health Organization (WHO), delegates outlined the issues surrounding health inequality and discussed public-private partnerships to increase pharmaceutical production in the Global South. MUN is often seen by many as a fancy dress party at the Hilton, but as exhibited by our conference hosted at our humble Arusha campus, it is an important forum for the youth to debate global issues. As the Head of Academics, I was blown away at the dedication of the delegates to the conference and the countless hours of preparation by the chairs. Thank you! Avinash Van Dort UWCEA MUN 2022 Head of Academics | | Counselor’s Corner |  | | Fair Time! Our students received rave reviews for their enthusiasm and engagement during our visit on Tuesday from six Davis UWC Partner institutions (see image above). After an informative presentation on liberal arts colleges and the careers they lead to, the Diploma students were invited to participate in their first in person fair on campus since prior to the pandemic. It was wonderful to see our students collecting information and resources from the admissions representatives as they moved around from table to table. At the conclusion of the fair, students had a chance to interview one on one with the representatives or during a group lunch session. The conversations were wide ranging, as students went beyond talking about themselves to a host of other topics that captivated the representatives. At the conclusion of their time with our students, the representatives had nothing but glowing remarks about the ways our students demonstrated their knowledge and interest throughout the day. The next major fair opportunity will be on Sunday evening (East Africa Time), when students and families can participate in an international fair (based in the US). As always, it is critical to plan in advance for these fair opportunities, which can be done via this YouTube video line prior to Sunday’s event, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vME_EPeqCGM. Registration for the fair can be done via this website bit.ly/3e90a8s, and it is always best to preview the participants in advance of the event to prepare questions while researching the institutions that you want to visit during the event. Enjoy the break, and we’ll see you again with much more coming your way! Cassandra Ford College and Career Counselor | | |  | | | | |  | | | | October |  | | | | November |  | | | | December |  | | | | | |